Little known fact: the lyrics of the #DuranDuran song "Rio" were ghostwritten by famed #Portuguese writer José #Saramago about his future wife, Pilar del Río. Saramago went on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.
#duranduran #portuguese #saramago
Yesterday I finished a tale by #Saramago and today I started another by Borges. What two different galaxies. There shouldn't be a writing tool that #Borges doesn't use to enrich his text, and yet I still find the “humility” of Saramago's text richer and more enriching.
#saramago #borges #book #reading #literature
If we cannot live entirely like humanbeings, at least let us do everything in our power not to live entirely like animal- #Jose #Saramago, #Blindness
“Es hora de aullar, porque si nos dejamos llevar por los poderes que nos gobiernan se puede decir que nos merecemos lo que tenemos" #Saramago
《El rey, con el peor de los modos, preguntó tres preguntas seguidas, Tú qué quieres, Por qué no dijiste lo que querías, Te crees que no tengo nada más que hacer.》
- El cuento de la isla desconocida, de José #Saramago -
Il giorno seguente non morì nessuno | La morte intermittente di Saramago
Non hanno nome i personaggi de Le intermittenze della morte di José Saramago: solo qualifiche.
The #Saramago owners are extremely friendly with Dr Catherine Owen, quoted in this article as saying "We do currently seem to be seeing an escalation of American-style “direct action” that uses social media campaigns and bypasses UK law on union activities by, for example, occupying cafes or disrupting service and the results can be catastrophic for this very special but fragile part of Glasgow’s creative ecosystem.”
Just coincidence, right?! :face_blob_smort:
The CCA announced this morning (before workers had a chance to have a meeting about it) that they are ending their relationship with #Saramago. Saramago's refusal to talk to the workers since the firing of 3 of them for joining Clydeside IWW means all 15 staff will now lose their jobs.
Hardship fund -
#union #iww #glasgow #saramago
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Teoría sobre la lectura. José Saramago
Les voy a exponer una teoría que tengo sobre la lectura que no es muy popular, incluso podría decirse que no es políticamente correcta. Y es que...
Update from #Clydeside #IWW re the dispute with #Saramago bosses: “New demo dates 🚩No movement from the #Saramago bosses yet so we're back this week. Join us to demand the workers' reinstatement.
Tuesday 12pm - 2pm
Wednesday 4:30pm - 7pm
Thursday 12pm - 2pm
Friday 12pm - 2pm, 5:30pm- 8pm (big ones!)
Saturday 2pm - 4pm (big ones!)”
"...23rd April is "Industrial Music for Industrial Action" fundraiser in solidarity with Saramago workers".
Celebrate the Carnation Revolution two days early!
#Solidarity with #IWW #Saramago #CCA #Glasgow workers!
#glasgow #cca #saramago #iww #solidarity
I'm hearing that the picket is going on to 8pm tonight. Some CCA tenants are doing the decent thing and shutting in solidarity, though the CCA itself is being disgustingly both-sidesy and remaining open:
#glasgow #cca #saramago #solidarity
Pickets today. Saramago café trades on its left-wing image then sacks workers, members of the #IWW trade union.
What's disgusting? Union busting!
An injury to one is an injury to all.
#solidarity #iww #glasgow #cca #saramago
#Saramago inside the CCA sacked three workers for joining a union.
"On Tuesday 21st March there will be a demonstration to demand that the fired workers be reinstated. Join us from 12pm – 2pm and then again from 5:30pm – 8:00pm!"
Hardship fund at the link.
#union #iww #glasgow #saramago
"Zorunluluklar insana mucize yarattırır."der, #Saramago
artık bir mucize yaratmamız gereken zorunluluktayız. Demokrasi gibi
Finished Saramago’s Cave today, and i just love how he turns the story in the end. Of course we would turned Plato’s cave into attraction. #saramago #portugueseliterature
#saramago #portugueseliterature
📖 #ElAñoDeLaMuerteDeRicardoReis, muy buena novela de #Saramago. Es uno de los autores de los que más obras he leído, pero hacía muchísimos años que no lo hacía, y he vuelto a él con una de sus mejores historias. 7,5/10.
#elanodelamuertedericardoreis #saramago