#Rapamycin and Muscle Growth: A Review of the Glass Lab's use of Rapamycin to Reverse #Sarcopenia and Anabolic Resistance
#rapamycin #sarcopenia #antiaging
Nyt studie hvor man forsøger at vurdere sarkopeni hos indlagte geriatriske patienter med bedside ultralyd. Ikke overraskende finder de et fald i muskeltykkelsen selv efter få dages indlæggelse
#geriatri #dklæger #sarcopenia
#geriatri #dklæger #sarcopenia
Non-pharmacological interventions for community-dwelling older adults with possible sarcopenia or #sarcopenia: a scoping review
#Geriatrics #Aging #Prevention #Exercise #Nutrition
#sarcopenia #geriatrics #aging #prevention #exercise #nutrition
Today on Naturally Inspired Radio Tammy talks about #InvisibleComputers and the company #Humane, google CEO and how it will effect everything moving forward, #Sarcopenia, Creatine and how to heal, The slight edge and how you can use it.
#InvisibleComputers #humane #sarcopenia
Recent & excellent review of the mechanisms of skeletal muscle hypertrophy.
The too common perception is sarcopenia as primarily a disease of the elderly and therefore not considered in illness and disease. #muscle #sarcopenia #musclebiology #Hypertrophy
Love this quote:
“Although aging is not an illness per se, there are undoubtedly factors common in aging and certain disease states that are likely playing a role in the age-related sarcopenic loss of muscle mass.”
#Hypertrophy #musclebiology #sarcopenia #muscle
@rvaughnmd @eeyam yes.. as I watch my dad’s #sarcopenia, and as I felt a little recurrence of my shoulder instability the other day, I keep thinking the same.
@auscandoc @eeyam Every year I say I'm going to get back on the weights. This year I think I might actually follow up and get 2 days of lifting into my weekly cycling training plan.
Referenced link: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-03-resistance-quality-inflammation-older-people.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-03-resistance-quality-inflammation-older-people.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/medical_xpress/status/1631313388222521345#m
RT by @physorg_com: Resistance training improves sleep quality and reduces inflammation in #olderpeople with #sarcopenia https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/19/23/16322 https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-03-resistance-quality-inflammation-older-people.html
¿Sabes que es la #sarcopenia? pues aunque no sepas en que cosiste al algo muy habitual en personas de edad avanzada, siendo una enfermedad progresiva y generalizada del músculo esquelético, descubre en que consiste.
#masamuscular #Edad #edadavanzada #ancianos #sarcopeniaprevention #sarcopenianoidoso #sarcopenia #sarcopenia #discapacidad #disability #disabilities #prevenciĂłn #visibilidad #gentetitanica #Somosdisca #cuidados
#sarcopenia #masamuscular #edad #edadavanzada #ancianos #sarcopeniaprevention #sarcopenianoidoso #discapacidad #disability #disabilities #prevencion #visibilidad #gentetitanica #somosdisca #cuidados
Another reason why You Should Take Care Of Yourself: #Sarcopenia .
The loss of muscle mass, related to aging, that causes frailty, falls, and fractures.
Many elderly become unable to safely live alone, and this is a big contributor. We take our balance and muscles for granted, but when you can’t move yourself out of a bed or chair, or can’t catch your balance, these are the stepping stones to a nursing home.
#sarcopenia #exercise #strength
Sarcopenia's Foe. Active Aging.
Learn how & why we lose muscle (sarcopenia) as we age, why this matters & why keeping up with our strength is a great anti-aging strategy.
#sarcopenia #aging #health #healthcare #fitness #strengthtraining #exercise #wellness #lifestyle #healthequity #Boston
#boston #HealthEquity #lifestyle #wellness #exercise #strengthtraining #fitness #healthcare #health #aging #sarcopenia
RT @yaletung
EcografĂa Nutricional (ComposiciĂłn Corporal)
#pocus #nutricion #sarcopenia #obesidad
@Sociedad_SEMI @zedunow @AIUMultrasound @ACEP_EUS @SCUFellowships @mendez_bailon @jtorresmacho @WINFOCUS @Dr_Dive @ZapateroAntonio @Diabetes_SEMI @sociedadSEEN @Socgeriatria @Geriatriamexico
#POCUS #nutricion #sarcopenia #obesidad
Nutrientes funcionales para mejorar la atrofia muscular neurogénica
👉Nutrientes funcionales capaces de prevenir la atrofia del músculo inducida por denervación*
#sarcopenia #dieta #omega #aminoácidos #vitaminas
#sarcopenia #Dieta #omega #aminoacidos #vitaminas
Dieta cetogénica, cuerpos cetónicos y potencial terapéutico en el cáncer
👉Potenciales beneficios de la dieta cetogénica y/o cuerpos cetónicos en el cáncer
#crecimiento #tumoral #microambiente #metástasis #caquexia #sarcopenia
#crecimiento #tumoral #microambiente #Metastasis #caquexia #sarcopenia
Great Idea by @cilib
Here are my hashtags
#CKD #ESRD #dialysis
#sarcopenia #frailty #rehabilitation
#DiabeticNephropathy #SGLT2i #Flozinator
#organspende #OrganspendeRettetLeben #organspendeausweis
#DRG #fckDRG
#humanismus #humanrights #progress #dualismus #dualism
#kidney #CKD #ESRD #dialysis #transplantation #Nephrology #sarcopenia #frailty #rehabilitation #immunosuppression #transplantID #DiabeticNephropathy #SGLT2i #Flozinator #organspende #OrganspendeRettetLeben #organspendeausweis #Xenotransplantation #DRG #fckDRG #humanismus #humanrights #progress #Dualismus #dualism