#covid #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #SarsCoV2 #SARS2 #SARS_CoV2 #sars_cov_2 #sarsCov2Virus #SARSCoronavirus2 #Sars2IsABiohazardLevel3 #SARSCov2IsNotTheFlu #MasksWork #CleanTheAir #CleanIndoorAir #RespiratorsWork #RespiratorsNotJustMasks #RespiratorsAndMore
Let's throw the kitchen sink at this virus!
#covid #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #SarsCoV2 #SARS2 #SARS_CoV2 #sars_cov_2 #sarscov2virus #SARSCoronavirus2 #sars2isabiohazardlevel3 #sarscov2isnottheflu #MasksWork #CleanTheAir #cleanindoorair #respiratorswork #respiratorsnotjustmasks #respiratorsandmore
How long do we have to wait for indoor protocols of air filtration/purification in all public spaces? How many lives destroyed before something so obviously needed is pushed?
Also, de-crowding, proper-masks mandates, stopping mass tourism, until there were no community transmission and lives are safe?
It's overdue. Society's future depends on it.
#sars2isabiohazardlevel3 #maskmandatesnow #cleanairinallpublicspaces #covidisadeadlydisease #accountability