Uh oh!
@JonathanChait covers disturbing turn of #RFKjr now touting bananas conspiracy theory that designer microbes like #COVID19 #sarscov2virus somehow magically don’t infect Jews & a few other ethnicities.
My part-Jewish spouse would love for that to be real, but spouse instead depends on scientific community’s consensus after much discussion of available research.
#rfkjr #covid19 #sarscov2virus
#pandemic2020 #SARSCoV2 #CoronaVirusUpdates #SARSCoV2virus #Corona #pandemia #pandemia2020 #ash2023 #healthinequity #healthcareinequity #medicine #oncology #celltherapy #immunotherapy #cartcell #cartcells #nkcells #genetherapy #stemcelltherapy #cartcellrx #multiplemyeloma #plasmadiseases
#pandemic2020 #SarsCoV2 #CoronavirusUpdates #sarscov2virus #corona #pandemia #pandemia2020 #ash2023 #healthinequity #healthcareinequity #medicine #oncology #CellTherapy #Immunotherapy #CARTCell #CARTCells #NKcells #genetherapy #stemcelltherapy #cartcellrx #MultipleMyeloma #plasmadiseases
Thank you to the great mentors and to the dedicated team that contributed to this project.
#medicine #oncology #coronavirus #COVID19 #COVIDVaccination #Covid_19 #pandemic #pandemiclife #COVID #sars_cov_2 #covid19research #SARSCoV2virus #coronatherapy #coronaupdates
#medicine #oncology #coronavirus #COVID19 #COVIDVaccination #COVID_19 #pandemic #PandemicLife #COVID #SARS_COV_2 #covid19research #sarscov2virus #coronatherapy #coronaupdates
#IDMastodon This meta-analysis and the main finding ATI correlated to clinical #COVID19 associated #AcuteKidneyInjury. The presence of #SARSCoV2 in kidney samples in addition to vascular lesions in kidneys can be linked to direct kidney invasion by 🦠 .There are no spared organs that is not being damaged by #SARSCoV2virus
📌 https://academic.oup.com/ajcp/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ajcp/aqad001/7069575?login=false#.ZARrQYoAgnQ.twitter
#IDMastodon #COVID19 #acutekidneyinjury #SarsCoV2 #sarscov2virus
Do any of you have experience with stellate ganglion block as a treatment for smell and taste disorders in Long COVID? See these case reports:
In one report, the treatment also improved brain fog and respiratory symptoms.
We are thinking of offering this to our patients. I'm curious if it's as effective as the reports suggest.
#LongCovid #COVID #SarsCoV2 #sarscov2virus #Science
#covid #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #SarsCoV2 #SARS2 #SARS_CoV2 #sars_cov_2 #sarsCov2Virus #SARSCoronavirus2 #Sars2IsABiohazardLevel3 #SARSCov2IsNotTheFlu #MasksWork #CleanTheAir #CleanIndoorAir #RespiratorsWork #RespiratorsNotJustMasks #RespiratorsAndMore
Let's throw the kitchen sink at this virus!
#covid #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #SarsCoV2 #SARS2 #SARS_CoV2 #sars_cov_2 #sarscov2virus #SARSCoronavirus2 #sars2isabiohazardlevel3 #sarscov2isnottheflu #MasksWork #CleanTheAir #cleanindoorair #respiratorswork #respiratorsnotjustmasks #respiratorsandmore
#SARSCoV2virus #coronatherapy #coronaupdates #pandemic2020 #SARSCoV2 #CoronaVirusUpdates #Corona #pandemia #pandemia2020 #VarianteOmicron #COVID19 #infectiousdiseases #CovidVaccine #covidvariant #Omnicron #VarianteOmicron #COVID19 #CovidVaccine #covidvariant #cartcelltherapy #cartcells #cartcell #cartcelltherapy #celltherapy #immunotherapy #IO #genetherapy #cancer #oncology #leukemia #AML #bmt #cartcellrx #macrophagecar #carm #team #work #learning #events #grateful #success #society #thankyou
#sarscov2virus #coronatherapy #coronaupdates #pandemic2020 #SarsCoV2 #CoronavirusUpdates #corona #pandemia #pandemia2020 #varianteomicron #COVID19 #infectiousdiseases #COVIDVaccine #covidvariant #omnicron #CARTcelltherapy #CARTCells #CARTCell #CellTherapy #Immunotherapy #IO #genetherapy #cancer #oncology #Leukemia #aml #BMT #cartcellrx #macrophagecar #carm #team #Work #learning #events #grateful #success #society #thankyou
#colorectalcancerawareness #colorectal #dvt #pe #thombosis #thrombopoiesis #clot
#gicare #gioncology #gicancer #coronavirus #COVID19 #COVIDVaccination #Covid_19 #pandemic #pandemiclife #COVID #sars_cov_2 #covid19research #SARSCoV2virus #coronatherapy #coronaupdates #pandemic2020 #SARSCoV2 #CoronaVirusUpdates
#colorectalcancerawareness #colorectal #dvt #pe #thombosis #thrombopoiesis #Clot #gicare #GIOncology #gicancer #coronavirus #COVID19 #COVIDVaccination #COVID_19 #pandemic #PandemicLife #COVID #SARS_COV_2 #covid19research #sarscov2virus #coronatherapy #coronaupdates #pandemic2020 #SarsCoV2 #CoronavirusUpdates