#covidIsnotOver #COVIDisAirborne
"You might object that we have direct evidence that the earth is round in the form of photographs of the earth taken from outer space. But in the Cochrane model, even this is graded as “low level evidence”, scarcely better than hearsay and rumour."
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #mask #sarsvov2 #airborne
Lots of very technical language in here but really worth a read all the way through if trying to understand #SARSVoV2 (and vaccine) #myocarditis.
“This study strongly suggests that direct infection of the myocardium by SARS-CoV2 is not a factor in the pathophysiology of cardiac dysfunction.” (More below)
“In this #cohort study, we found #HomeTesting to be increasingly common through spring and into summer 2022, most recently comprising more than 80% of all #SARSVoV2 testing reported. Home test positivity appears to track closely with national data from reported tests, but these trends are starting to diverge. Home testing patterns differ by demographic subgroup, as previously shown,4 perhaps because of differential #COVID19 worry or availability and cost of test kits.”
#cohort #hometesting #sarsvov2 #COVID19
The Post-Pandemic Recovery Has Been Abandoned
Merck will be asking for $120 for Covid19 Boosters. American taxpayers paid for the
R&D on all covid vaccines. Now they will pay again or get sick and perhaps die. You're being fleeced America, again. These grifters made 59 BILLION in 2022. CEO bonus? Several BILLION
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidLong
#usapolitics #sarsvov2
#CovidIsNotOver #covidlong #usapolitics #sarsvov2
german statement
they know but government is in urge of normalcy
post acut covid sequelae = #pasc
but look at politicians
#minimizing #SARSVoV2 pandemic
"auf der Endstrecke der Pandemie"
they lift mask mandat in public transports bc we are on the way of ending #pandemic
I ponder if it's
stupidity or intentional #deny
of exponential spread of
#voc soup
#covid #PASC #minimizing #sarsvov2 #pandemic #deny #voc
sorry I had to cut some words for rt
2020 he appeared with a kn95
he knows
but still 3 ys later they have not established widely fpp3 production in europe nor did they made correctly communication how to use them, nor did they spoke enough about airborne transmission
nor did they explain what #SARSVoV2 does to blood vessels
président #Macron 2020 with a high filtration #masks #kn95 or €fpp3 https://mstdn.science/@Hatty/109490697638209608
#sarsvov2 #macron #masks #kn95
perfide thinktanks
haben unermüdlich Ängste gegen Masken geschürt, von Verkeimung, Gift im PPE Material, CO2 bis Erstickungstod alles
Es geht um politische Vereinnahmung medizintechnischer Standards
Aktuel wird das Narrativ nicht besser
Wer #SARSVoV2 als milden natürlichen booster gekonnt vermarkted
bringt jegliche
ATROCITIES dieser Erde an den Mann
Wer Fehler macht kann aus ihnen lernen,
Wer absichtlich falsch handelt
wird es wieder tun & es als richtig auszulegen wissen
@dm_ms we should pay attention to the eyes !
vasculopathy manifests often there
#SARSVoV2 involvement in vessels microangiopathy is real
vocs #SARSVoV2 variants
@corneliusroemer et al