Andy Burnham calls for Labour to adopt proportional representation | Proportional representation | The Guardian
#burnham #labour #pr #proportionalrepresentation #Drakeford #Brabin #sarwar #ElectedRegionalMayors #ElectedMayors #mayors
And here is the #TimesRadio Podcast - the discussion about the focus group starts 20 minutes in. Would be good to get this boosted as it is interesting to say the least! #SNP #Starmer #Sarwar
#sarwar #starmer #snp #TimesRadio
#TimesRadio has done a focus group with 2019 #SNP voters who are now undecided. It was sublime in every way and laugh out loud in some places. The station will podcast it later but suffice to say it will give no comfort to #Starmer or #Sarwar π
Iβll post a podcast link when it appears. Itβs a must listen
#sarwar #starmer #snp #TimesRadio
#RegnoUnito #Scozia
Anas #Sarwar (#LAB|S&D): "La Corte Suprema Γ¨ stata chiara nella sua risposta. Γ tempo di concentrarsi sui problemi che affliggono la Scozia. Le persone in Scozia vogliono il cambiamento, ma non un altro referendum o l'indipendenza."
#lab #sarwar #scozia #regnounito