With #SASjs your client terminal can execute #SAS code:
-> On Viya, EBI, or Foundation Server
-> Without local SAS
-> Without SSH
The command is `sasjs run` and the article below shows how you can use it on a Viya 4 instance!
#SASjs #SAS #sasviya #sashackathon #sasadmin
#SASjs Server provides a REST API over Base #SAS.
Clients are configured using authorization-code flow, as follows:
# Setup
An ADMIN task - a client is created with a specific CLIENT ID, CLIENT SECRET, Access Token Expiry, and Refresh Token Expiry.
# Workflow
The user visits the SASjs Logon page to authorise the CLIENT (using any of various auth providers, such as LDAP). Then, using the AUTH CODE, the local app can obtain the ACCESS and REFRESH tokens.
#SASjs #SAS #sascommunity #sasadmin #sasdeveloper