Signs of spring... Less ice now, and the water level has dropped. I'd be ready for the melt though. #yxe #SaskatchewanRiver
#WaterfallWednesday #WaterWednesday
#BridalVeilFalls in #Alberta - shot on past documentary filming road trip.
A set of multiple #frozen #waterfalls - fed by #HuntingtonGlacier on #CirrusMountain in #Canadian #Rockies . It drains into #NigelCreek then #SaskatchewanRiver at Big Bed on #IcefieldParkway .
#RockyMountains #SightsToSee #GlacierFed #GlacialBlue #Winter #BelowZero #Jasper #RoadTrip #FromMyArchive #WorldInMyEyes #MyPerspective #Nature #NaturalWorld #water
#waterfallwednesday #waterwednesday #bridalveilfalls #alberta #frozen #waterfalls #huntingtonglacier #cirrusmountain #canadian #rockies #nigelcreek #saskatchewanriver #icefieldparkway #rockymountains #sightstosee #glacierfed #glacialblue #winter #belowzero #jasper #roadtrip #frommyarchive #worldinmyeyes #myperspective #nature #NaturalWorld #water
Walking at cranberry flats is one of the pressure of living in #yxe. Lovely views of the river, dramatic cracks in the ice, and treasure! #saskatchewanRiver #Saskatoon
#yxe #saskatchewanriver #saskatoon
Another frosty and foggy day. #Saskatoon #winter #SaskatchewanRiver
#Saskatoon #winter #saskatchewanriver
The Columbia Icefield drains to the Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and Pacific Ocean. Meltwater flows 2,500 miles via the Athabasca River and Mackenzie River into the Arctic Ocean, via the Saskatchewan River 1,600 miles to Hudson Bay and the Atlantic, and 1,240 miles via the Fraser and Columbia rivers to the Pacific Ocean.
#ColumbiaIcefield #BritishColumbia #Alberta #ColumbiaRiver #AthabascaRiver #SaskatchewanRiver #PNW #Glacier #ContinentalDivide
#continentaldivide #glacier #pnw #saskatchewanriver #athabascariver #columbiariver #alberta #britishcolumbia #columbiaicefield
The Columbia Icefield drains to the Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and Pacific Ocean. Meltwater flows 2,500 miles via the Athabasca River and Mackenzie River into the Arctic Ocean, via the Saskatchewan River 1,600 miles to Hudson Bay and the Atlantic, and 1,240 miles via the Fraser and Columbia rivers to the Pacific Ocean.
#ColumbiaIcefield #BritishColumbia #Alberta #ColumbiaRiver #AthabascaRiver #SaskatchewanRiver #PNW #Glacier #ContinentalDivide
#continentaldivide #glacier #pnw #saskatchewanriver #athabascariver #columbiariver #alberta #britishcolumbia #columbiaicefield
Another view of downtown and the river on a -30°C lunchtime walk. #winter #saskatchewanriver
Another view of downtown and the river on a -30°C lunchtime walk. #winter #saskatchewanriver