"Sometimes sacred ground is described as ritual ground. Ritual ground can be represented by squares, rectangles, or circles. Which shape it takes seems to depend upon the type of summoning that will be done."
Read about it here (requires subscription) 👉 https://liftingthewool.substack.com/p/sacred-ground
#veronicaswiftblog #Luciferian #brotherhood #satanicritual
"Wie Therapeuten Leonie einredeten, sie habe Babys getötet" #Verschwörungsmythen
Auch in Deutschland ist der Glaube an (satanistische) Kulte, die in großem Maße Kindesmissbrauch und Zwangsprostitution betreiben und dabei unvorstellbare Gewalt anweden, bei Fachleuten verbreitet. Unter den Stichworten (Organisierte) #RituelleGewalt und #MindControl zu finden. Oft in Zusammenhang mit der Diagnose der #DIS.
#verschworungsmythen #rituellegewalt #mindcontrol #dis #trauma #kindesmissbrauch #satanicpanic #satanicritual
rare image of #AntonLaVey engaging in a #Satanic ritual, the mid-1990s (colorized)
#AntonLaVey #satanic #satanism #satanicritual #SatanicMemes
Some of you were asking about the significance of the owl. It was a symbol they used at the Bohemian Grove. DC shaped like an owl is not a coincidence.
#notacoincidence #bohemiangrove #owl #satanicritual
#satanicritual #owl #bohemiangrove #notacoincidence