Vrouw met ernstige pinda-allergie doet wel eens een smokkeldag - ‘Een of twee keer per maand een lekker sateetje moet kunnen’
http://speld.nl/2023/02/18/vrouw-met-ernstige-pinda-allergie-doet-wel-eens-een-smokkeldag/ #allergie #pinda #sate
CDC confirms 100% of reported Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of batches produced & the majority were sent to red Republican States across the USA
#news #CDC #USA #covid #vaccine #pandemic #politics #republican #vax #shot #jab #sate #booster #sads #death
Looks like #Trump played his cult members with opp. warp-speed
#news #cdc #usa #covid #vaccine #pandemic #politics #republican #vax #shot #jab #sate #booster #sads #death #trump
#meme #government #sate #election #elections #scam #vote #voting #culture #politics