🇰🇵 La Corée du Nord lancera bientôt un nouveau satellite, le Japon demande d’annuler 📰 https://www.election-politique.com/revuedepresse.php
#RevuedePresse #politique #international #CoréeduNord #satelitte
#revuedepresse #politique #international #coreedunord #satelitte
With #formula1 kicking off this weekend, I played with #f1 related maps in #Blender. 🏎️
The problem is I am unsure in which direction to develop them. Attached are two maps:
1. The first is a racing track lit up and overlayed over a #satelitte image.
2. The second has a similar race track effect over a Tanaka-style 3d-like terrain.
I would love to hear your input by voting in the poll in a post below about which one you like more. Appreciate boosts 🚀for a wider reach. 🫶
#formula1 #f1 #Blender #satelitte
#ISS #APRS #Satelitte
lots of APRS on the ISS digipeater tonight on 145.825Mhz FM
i use SatPC32 and soundmodem by UZ7HO on 1200bd AX25 to decode