#Hack-A-Sat Update!
Every Hack-a-Sat has gotten progressively harder, preparing you for the ultimate test - Hack-A-Sat 4!
Learn what's new this year, including Moonlighter--the world’s first & only hacking sandbox in space! 🛰️ha[ckasat.com/moonlighter/
If hacking a satellite in orbit sounds like fun to you, register for the qualification round at hackasat.com - qualifications are April 1-2. Don’t miss the launch!
#hack #defcon31 #satellitehacking #defcon #moonlighter
Hack-A-Sat 4 reg is open!
The satellite hacking contest to rule them all returns to DEF CON 31 for the 4th time. If you want to test your space-hacking skills, get your name on the list ASAP. Visit hackasat.com to register for the Hack-A-Sat 4 Quals, and follow @hack_a_sat for updates. #PracticeIsOver
#practiceisover #defcon #defcon31 #hackasat #satellitehacking
Il modo lungo e pesante per ottenere l'accesso root a un terminale Starlink
#14Novembre #Tech #blackhat #BlackHatconference #satellitehacking #security #starlink https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9hcnN0ZWNobmljYS5jb20vP3A9MTg5NzU4Nw==.html
#starlink #security #satellitehacking #BlackHatConference #blackhat #tech #14novembre
The long, solder-heavy way to get root access to a Starlink terminal
#BlackHatconference #satellitehacking #blackhat #security #starlink #Tech
#BlackHatConference #satellitehacking #blackhat #security #starlink #tech
The long, solder-heavy way to get root access to a Starlink terminal - Enlarge / Nobody said getting root access to space was going to be easy... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1897587 #blackhatconference #satellitehacking #blackhat #security #starlink #tech
#tech #starlink #security #blackhat #satellitehacking #blackhatconference
The long, solder-heavy way to get root access to a Starlink terminal https://arstechnica.com/?p=1897587 #BlackHatconference #satellitehacking #blackhat #security #starlink #Tech
#BlackHatconference #satellitehacking #blackhat #Security #starlink #Tech