Just 1 day before the first frost fell, I dug up taro🥔 corms (里芋 / Colocasia esculenta), a must-have vegetable for Japanese hotpot cuisine.
Though they don't like coldness, they're quite happy with any soil, muddy or sandy, as long as there is plenty of water.
#winter #japan #satoimo #cocoyam #corm #vegetables #gardening
tweet by @PaprikaGirl_JP@twitter.com:
«Sato-imo (里芋) are unassuming little bulbs you’ll see sold in bags on the side of the road in the country. Just boil them in salt water, and peel to nibble the creamy insides. They’re a perfect snack for an evening sake at home; a healthy alternative to potato chips!»
#里芋 #japanesefood #vegetable #satoimo