
"The Sahara desert was once called the Sahara forest, then along came four donkeys, and the rest is geography..."

This was part of the Peasant's morning talk to the donkeys, explaining that trees must not be chewed. Never. But especially during the present drought as the trees are weak are vulnerable. So we must all act responsibly in a crisis.

Aitana met this with her customary skepticism.

#donkeyoftheday #asstodon #saturbray

Last updated 2 years ago


I ask Morris, "How is your day going?" but he doesn't respond. This does not bode well. Experience tells me that mischief is the plan for this

#donkeyoftheday #saturbray #asstodon

Last updated 2 years ago


No, it's not a Poitou! The Spanish breed of Zamorano-Leonésa donkeys resemble the 'baudets du Poitou' and both are descended from the large donkeys bred during Roman times.

This Spanish donkey breed was taken to America and the American Mammoth Jack was developed from them. An endangered breed: there are fewer than 1500 left.

Photo at the recent 2023 San Vitero annual celebration of this breed in Zamora. (Credit, Francisco José Requejo Rodríguez.)

#donkeyoftheday #asstodon #saturbray

Last updated 2 years ago


Yes: tomorrow we finally have the full explanation of what was really going on there in the *chutes d'un âne* in turn-of-the-century France. You will be amazed.

- the lost history - only on this

#anesdefrance #asstodon #saturbray

Last updated 2 years ago

You have probably never considered that falling off a donkey might be an art form. In the period of the Belle Epoque in turn-of-the-century France circa 1903-1908 some strange things happened in one strangely named municipality.

More about the curious tale of the *chutes des ânes* in our special exclusive report next

#asstodon #saturbray #anesdefrance

Last updated 2 years ago

Did you think I was exaggerating the number of people who fell off donkeys in a French municipality during the Belle Epoque?

Nope! There was an epidemic of *chutes des ânes* and here is another one!

All will be explained in our special exclusive report next

#asstodon #saturbray #anesdefrance

Last updated 2 years ago

We will have a lot more explaining to do about this kind of situation in our special report next

#saturbray #asstodon #anesdefrance

Last updated 2 years ago

In an unexpected political development this Sunday, protesters in Paris burned down the Palace of Versailles, demanding President Macron releases the suppressed Ministry of the Interior report from 1909 regarding donkey riding casualties in the Parisien suburbs.

is ahead of the game and you can read our full report on the donkey riding accidents of the Belle Epoque next

#asstodon #saturbray #anesdefrance #Paris #macron

Last updated 2 years ago

After eleven decades of silence, our special report will tell the story of a municipality in France during the Belle Epoque, where people fell off their donkeys every day.

Could we blame the main street wine bars which were located in tree-houses? Or was the low alcohol tax in the suburbs to blame?

Did the growth of amateur photography encourage show-offs to ride their donkeys in a dangerous manner? Was the mayor culpable?

The truth will be revealed on .

#asstodon #saturbray #anesdefrance

Last updated 2 years ago

Coming soon: an special report.

We examine *le grand mystère de la chute des ânes* and unlock the great mystery of why so many citizens were seen falling off their donkeys in a municipality in France during the Belle Epoque.

So many people fell off their donkeys and were seen lying in the main street of the town that it is rare to see a photo like this, with donkey riders managing to stay seated on their donkeys.

Readers will be amazed by this report next .

#asstodon #saturbray #anesdefrance

Last updated 2 years ago


In a scoop for we tell the remarkable story of the French municipality with a proud tradition of its citizens falling off donkeys in the street.

#saturbray #asstodon #anesdefrance #Paris

Last updated 2 years ago


While uploading the shaving brush donkey ears video on my channel, I saw my old video of Aitana being groomed when she was a two month old foal, so I had to post this! So cute!


#donkeyoftheday #asstodon #saturbray

Last updated 2 years ago

top tip:

Use an old shaving brush for cleaning out dust from donkey's ears. Or if not dusty, then do it anyway because they like it, as you see from Matilde's response.


#saturbray #asstodon

Last updated 2 years ago


Mother and son moment just now: Rubí resting her head on Morris. It is rare to see much interaction between mother and son these days, so this really touched me.

Twelve years ago, the moment I first saw Rubí with Morris was after I went to the village for a beer and came home to find she had given birth to her foal!

#donkeyoftheday #asstodon #saturbray

Last updated 2 years ago

siesta discussion:

Morris asks Aitana if she will ever return to the Birdsite.

She responds with the wildest ROFL we've ever seen.

#saturbray #asstodon

Last updated 2 years ago


Aitana attempting unsuccessfully to break into the food store today. Apart from the latch there is a secondary lock: a spring hook on a chain inside the gate.

After thirteen years of being outwitted by donkeys on a daily basis, I double-check every gate. Sometimes I get up from bed when I am unsure if I locked up, and I go out again in torchlight to check, or the donks will create mayhem.

Intelligent animals are great fun. You also need therapy.

#donkeyoftheday #asstodon #saturbray

Last updated 2 years ago


One of my favourite paintings is "St Francis in the Desert" by Bellini (c.1480) and not only because it has a solitary donkey in it.

But look more closely and it is *not* a donkey!

I'm still reading K.L.Smithies "Introducing the Medieval Ass" (see earlier) and she points out the animal is in fact an onager: a desert wild ass which is "a symbol for monks who shunned the secular world."

Thread: ⬇️ (1/3)

#donkeyoftheday #libraybooks #asstodon #saturbray #saintfrancis

Last updated 2 years ago


1. Both ears half back: "Oh no, what does the Peasant want? Is it time for my medication?"

2. Right ear half forward, left ear half back: "If it's food I'll have it: if it's the medication, I'm ready to run."

(This lesson from Aitana is part of our regular series of donkey semaphore classes.)


#donkeyoftheday #earyore #saturbray #asstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Rang · @rangiferusbunerus
82 followers · 770 posts · Server ohai.social

@equusasinus Do you just claim every day of the week as a donkey day??


I love it.

#monbray #tuesbray #wednesbray #thursbray #fribray #saturbray #sunbray

Last updated 2 years ago

It is a bright January day but a very cold wind is blowing, so I have put a horse blanket on Matilde because she was coughing. Probably just some straw that went down the wrong way.

A carrot is always essential for donkey photo portraits, but in this case it also adds a neat complementary colour to the blue of the coat!

#saturbray #asstodon #burritosdeespana

Last updated 2 years ago