#SaturdayLibrarian Okay, staff member who called in on your day off because one of your job duties that you thought was being transferred to somebody else didn't get done for today, I'll make sure it's set up for the next couple of days to give you and them the chance to work it out, but I'm NOT setting it up for the next couple of weeks/month. And that was the manager's recommendation, I'd have been willing to do a week.
#SaturdayLibrarian being a patron on my break. Why did one of our consortium partners decide to fulfill my item specific request on a copy of the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World 2024 with a copy of the 2005 edition? For that matter, why do they still own the 2005 edition?
UPDATE: The bird is still here. Called S&PS dispatch and explained that I'm not sure that there's really anything to do about this situation, but that I'd been told when I was #SaturdayLibrarian to let them know if I saw a bird. Dispatch office said that was fair and that they'd check in with facilities to see how to proceed. #LibrarianProblems
#saturdaylibrarian #librarianproblems
S&PS had not arrived to address the issue with the bird as of the end of my shift on that desk. I may have just heard another call regarding it on the walkie talkie. #SaturdayLibrarian #LibrarianProblems
#saturdaylibrarian #librarianproblems
I just had to tell a patron that I couldn't tell whoever that was with their speakers turned up to use headphones because they were hearing an actual piano in the atrium. #SaturdayLibrarian
I found the bird. #SaturdayLibrarian #LibrarianProblems
#saturdaylibrarian #librarianproblems
I have just been asked if I've seen a bird in the building and instructed to tell safety & protectives services if I do. #SaturdayLibrarian #LibrarianProblems
#saturdaylibrarian #librarianproblems
Wenn der Tag als #saturdaylibrarian mit Blumen auf dem Schreibtisch startet 🤗
Well, slight wrench in my plans, a sub had to go home so there's half my off desk time this afternoon gone. Hope the world will at least be gentle enough I can make good use of what's left after. #SaturdayLibrarian
Looking like this might be a quietly productive #SaturdayLibrarian day so far, hope it keeps it up.
i am #SaturdayLibrarian today. Have just given impromptu database training to a colleague. Seems #RestingLibrarianFace applies also to interactions with other librarians...
#saturdaylibrarian #restinglibrarianface
POV I was a #SaturdayLibrarian for two hours today to cover lunches and then left
Jetzt mitten im Team #SaturdayLibrarian - während meine Nichte heute Teil des #TeamGermany ihrer Altersgruppe im #DiscoDance ist. Daumen sind gedrückt. https://www.ido-dance.com/ceis/webShowNewsIdo.do?newsId=2269&typ=news&type=current
Am frühen Nachmittag soll der Gruppenwettkampf beginnen. Da hüpft und flattert jetzt so einiges, weil 1. Jahr 1. Bundesliga und dann gleich schon die Teilnahme an der Weltmeisterschaft
#saturdaylibrarian #TeamGermany #discodance
So as I mentioned earlier, I saw a cell phone burst into flames at work today. If there's a fire, we're supposed to call over walkie talkie to security "Code red, [location]." So because my internal echolalia loves Aaron Sorkin, ever since I called it in, I have had Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson in my head shouting at each other "Did you order the code red?" "YOU'RE G@&D@#$ RIGHT I DID." For about nine hours now. #ActuallyAutistic #LibraryLife #SaturdayLibrarian #LibrarianProblems
#actuallyautistic #librarylife #saturdaylibrarian #librarianproblems
So as I mentioned earlier, I saw a cell phone burst into flames at work today. If there's a fire, we're supposed to call over walkie talkie to security "Code red, [location]." So because my internal echolalia loves Aaron Sorkin, ever since I called it in, I have had Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson in my head shouting at each other "Did you order the code red?" "YOU'RE G@&D@#$ RIGHT I DID." For about nine hours now. #ActuallyAutistic #LibraryLife #SaturdayLibrarian #LibrarianProblems
#actuallyautistic #librarylife #saturdaylibrarian #librarianproblems