How politics works.
#smbc #saturdaymorningbreakfastcereal
Some smart Yo Mama jokes.
#smbc #saturdaymorningbreakfastcereal
Rolling on the floor laughing my arse off at how true this is.
#smbc #saturdaymorningbreakfastcereal
bound for the land of weed and threesomes beyond this vale of tears #SaturdayMorningBreakfastCereal
I don't read the #SaturdayMorningBreakfastCereal #comic often enough. It gives me a good belly laugh.
#comic #saturdaymorningbreakfastcereal
I don't currently have a working GPS, so I've been having to relearn how to navigate without it 😫
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Directions
#saturdaymorningbreakfastcereal #smbc #webcomic #gps
Gotta love a bit of #SaturdayMorningBreakfastCereal
#saturdaymorningbreakfastcereal #smbc #comic
Warum fällt mir zu dem kleinen #Elefant​en ausgerechnet dieses #SMBC Comic von @ZachWeinersmith ein?
#waggle #saturdaymorningbreakfastcereal #smbc #elefant