“Your understanding of the components of language determines to a large extent how you teach a language.” —H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching
The table outlines 8 parts of a composite definition of language and an interesting thought exercise accompanies—
—Select only one of the eight parts of the definition of language to place your emphasis on and imagine how this emphasis influences your engagement with language as a concept.
#saturdayreading #appliedlinguistics
What are continuous gravitational waves, where do they come from, and how do we search for them? The Einstein Online article by @benknispel offers an overview:
📰 https://www.einstein-online.info/en/spotlight/continuousGW/
#saturdayreading #waiting4o4 #o4
Was sind kontinuierliche Gravitationswellen, woher kommen sie und wie suchen wir nach Ihnen? Einen ersten Überblick bietet der Einstein-Online-Artikel von @benknispel:
📰 https://www.einstein-online.info/spotlight/kontinuierlicheGW/
#saturdayreading #waiting4o4 #o4
Distracted from distraction by distraction
Filled with fancies and empty of meaning
Tumid apathy with no concentration
-- T.S. Eliot, Burnt Norton
#poetry #SaturdayReading
Our reading tip for ☕️ this Saturday helps prepare for @LIGO's, Virgo's and KAGRA's fourth observing run O4 with a review of O3:
➡️ https://www.einstein-online.info/en/spotlight/o3/ by Denise Müller-Dum at Einstein-Online
#waiting4o4 #o4 #saturdayreading #gravitationalwaves #o3
Unser Lesetipp zum ☕️ diesen Samstag hilft bei der Vorbereitung auf O4 von @LIGO, Virgo und KAGRA mit dem Rückblick auf O3:
➡️ https://www.einstein-online.info/spotlight/o3/ von Denise Müller-Dum bei Einstein-Online
#waiting4o4 #o4 #saturdayreading #gravitationswellen #o3
Die heutige #SaturdayReading-Empfehlung: ein Buchkapitel von MPIWG-Kolleg:innen über die Geschichte der Gravitationswellen-Forschung in der @maxplanckgesellschaft, des GEO600-Detektors und unseres Instituts:
#saturdayreading #waiting4o4 #o4 #wissenschaftsgeschichte
Our #SaturdayReading recommendation today is a book chapter about the history of gravitational-wave research in the @maxplanckgesellschaft, the GEO600 detector, and our institute, written by colleagues from MPIWG.
#saturdayreading #waiting4o4 #o4 #historyofscience
Gravitational-wave reading for a Saturday afternoon: Einstein Online article on the first merger of two neutron stars observed with gravitational waves: GW170817
➡️ https://www.einstein-online.info/en/spotlight/GW170817/
#SaturdayReading #Waiting4O4 #O4 #GravitationalWaves #GW170817
#saturdayreading #waiting4o4 #o4 #gravitationalwaves #gw170817
Gravitationswellen-Lektüre für den Samstagnachmittag: Einstein-Online-Artikel zu GW170817, der ersten mit Gravitationswellen beobachteten Verschmelzung zweier Neutronensterne:
➡️ https://www.einstein-online.info/spotlight/GW170817/
#SaturdayReading #Waiting4O4 #O4 #Gravitationswellen #GW170817
#saturdayreading #waiting4o4 #o4 #gravitationswellen #gw170817
Don't ever let someone make you feel so uncomfortable with your little in comparison to their ability that you cease to remember that your little is more than enough for you.Your little brought you this far. Your little is valuable in the sight of God. When that little becomes valuable to you, you will demand that anyone who comes into your life must also recognize the beauty in your little. - @sarahjakesroberts
#saturdaythoughts #saturdayreading #selflove #mentalwellness #gratefullness
#gratefullness #mentalwellness #selflove #saturdayreading #saturdaythoughts
Ready for more gravitational-wave inspired #SaturdayReading? Here's part 2! Learn how @LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA are preparing for their 4th observing run.
📰 https://www.ligo.org/magazine/LIGO-magazine-issue22.pdf#page=11 [pdf]
📰 https://www.ligo.org/magazine/LIGO-magazine-issue22.pdf#page=6 [pdf]
#saturdayreading #waiting4o4 #o4
Time for some gravitational-wave inspired #SaturdayReading ,part 1! Make yourself comfortable and learn how @LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA are preparing for their 4th observing run.
📰 https://www.ligo.org/magazine/LIGO-magazine-issue18.pdf#page=6 [pdf]
📰 https://www.ligo.org/magazine/LIGO-magazine-issue21.pdf#page=6 [pdf]
#saturdayreading #waiting4o4 #o4
Wie sieht die Zukunft der Gravitationswellen-Astronomie mit irdischen Detektoren aus? Eine Übersicht zu Einstein-Teleskop und Cosmic Explorer in unserem Einstein-Online-Artikel.
📰 https://www.einstein-online.info/spotlight/gw-detektoren-3-generation/
#saturdayreading #waiting4o4 #o4 #einsteinteleskop
What's the future of gravitational-wave astronomy with detectors here on Earth? An overview of the Einstein Telescope and Cosmic Explorer in our Einstein Online article:
📰 https://www.einstein-online.info/en/spotlight/3-generation-gw-detectors/
#saturdayreading #waiting4o4 #o4 #einsteintelescope
It's the weekend and as we get closer to the fourth joint observing run, you can get up to date in our Saturday reading recommendation in the latest issue of the LIGO Magazine.
📰 https://www.ligo.org/magazine/LIGO-magazine-issue22.pdf#page=6 [pdf]
🧵 https://twitter.com/LIGOMagazine/status/1638199277229953026 [Twitter]
#saturdayreading #waiting4o4 #o4
It's Saturday, a good time to prepare yourself for O4 by reading the Einstein Online article about GW150914, the first direct observation of gravitational waves.
#Waiting4O4 #O4 #SaturdayReading #GravitationalWaves #GW150914
#waiting4o4 #o4 #saturdayreading #gravitationalwaves #gw150914
Es ist Samstag, eine gute Zeit, um sich mit dem Einstein-Online-Artikel über die erste direkte Gravitationswellen-Beobachtung GW150914 auf O4 vorzubereiten.
📰 https://www.einstein-online.info/spotlight/gw150914/
#Waiting4O4 #O4 #SaturdayReading #Gravitationswellen #GW150914
#waiting4o4 #o4 #saturdayreading #gravitationswellen #gw150914
4/5⭐️ #freidamcfadden #mystery #books #saturdayreading #cozy #bookstadon #storygraph #goodreads #bookclub
#freidamcfadden #mystery #books #saturdayreading #cozy #bookstadon #storygraph #goodreads #bookclub