This is looking straight up at the tracks which are being held up by the trestles in an earlier post of mine.
Cleveland Metroparks
Canalway Center
Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio
#Photography #Train #TrainTracks #ClevelandMetroparks #CLE #Ohio #OH #CPTSD #PTSD #Canon #OpinionsRMine
#opinionsrmine #canon #ptsd #cptsd #oh #Ohio #cle #clevelandmetroparks #traintracks #train #Photography #saturdaysymetry
And now some more #SaturdaySymetry
Train Trestle
Cleveland Metroparks
Canalway Center
Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio
#Photography #Train #TrainTrestle #ClevelandMetroparks #CLE #Ohio #OH #CPTSD #Canon #OpinionsRMine
#opinionsrmine #canon #cptsd #oh #Ohio #cle #clevelandmetroparks #traintrestle #train #Photography #saturdaysymetry
If some of you haven't noticed.... Sometimes I make up hashtags to fit a picture or theme. Like today's #SaturdaySymetry
I find myself clicking on hashtags more and more here. Feel free to use my made up hashtags if you find yoursélf stuck for that perfect hashtag.
#opinionsrmine #cptsd #madeuphashtags #Photography #saturdaysymetry
Today a little bit of #SaturdaySymetry
Belcourt Castle
Newport, Rhode Island
#Photography #Castle #Mansion #Newport #RhodeIsland #RI #CPTSD #Canon #OpinionsRMine
#opinionsrmine #canon #cptsd #ri #rhodeisland #newport #mansion #castle #Photography #saturdaysymetry