#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A8927F Tail: #N651XA Flt: #N651XA
Owner: #SaudiAramco
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G650 ER
2023/09/11 04:30:53
#GLF6 #OilSpill #ManMadeClimateChange #ClimateCrisis https://xkcd.com/1732/
#planealert #a8927f #n651xa #saudiaramco #gulfstream #glf6 #oilspill #manmadeclimatechange #climatecrisis
"In 2021, the European environmental advocacy group #ClientEarth filed a 94p complaint w/ the UN Human Rts Council against #SaudiAramco, the world’s largest oil-producing company. Asserting 1) the cont'd production of fossil fuels is a de facto affront to human rts, 2) Saudi Aramco is a large producer of fossil fuels & intends to be for decades to come, 3) the combo of these 2 assertions makes Aramco a pariah under intl law...
It wasn’t until 6.26.2023 tht the UN delivered...🧵
Anche il #calcio è inquinato. Lo #sportwashing di Riad: https://www.editorialedomani.it/ambiente/anche-il-calcio-e-inquinato-lo-sportwashing-di-riad-dvf7vbjq Sul sito di #Domani un articolo molto interessante sulla politica dell'Arabia Saudita che usa il calcio come strumento di #greenwashing. #petrolio #SaudiAramco #ClimateChange #Mancini @informapirata @FlaviaMarzano @ambiente @maupao
#mancini #climatechange #saudiaramco #petrolio #greenwashing #domani #sportwashing #calcio
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A88EC8 Tail: #N650XA Flt: #N650XA
Owner: #SaudiAramco
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G650 ER
2023/08/29 20:14:57
#GLF6 #ManMadeClimateChange #OilSpill #ClimateCrisis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Aramco
#planealert #a88ec8 #n650xa #saudiaramco #gulfstream #glf6 #manmadeclimatechange #oilspill #climatecrisis
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A88EC8 Tail: #N650XA Flt: #N650XA
Owner: #SaudiAramco
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G650 ER
2023/08/07 10:50:42
#GLF6 #ManMadeClimateChange #OilSpill #ClimateCrisis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Aramco
#planealert #a88ec8 #n650xa #saudiaramco #gulfstream #glf6 #manmadeclimatechange #oilspill #climatecrisis
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A88EC8 Tail: #N650XA Flt: #N650XA
Owner: #SaudiAramco
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G650 ER
2023/08/04 21:27:15
#GLF6 #ManMadeClimateChange #OilSpill #ClimateCrisis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Aramco
#planealert #a88ec8 #n650xa #saudiaramco #gulfstream #glf6 #manmadeclimatechange #oilspill #climatecrisis
"the financial community started walking back their ESG [Environmental Sustainability Governance Goals] pledges almost as soon as they made them …
BlackRock has decided to add the CEO of Saudi Aramco to its board of directors. Saudi Aramco happens to be responsible for more carbon emissions than any corporation in human history"
#FossilFinance #blackrock #saudiaramco
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A88EC8 Tail: #N650XA
Owner: #SaudiAramco
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G650 ER
2023/07/24 23:05:58
#GLF6 #ManMadeClimateChange #OilSpill #ClimateCrisis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Aramco
#planealert #a88ec8 #n650xa #saudiaramco #gulfstream #glf6 #manmadeclimatechange #oilspill #climatecrisis
Stiekem de smerigste (en de zwartste)
Terwijl iedereen vooral met bosbranden en overstromingen bezig was, heeft de grootste vermogensbeheerder BlackRock, Amin Nasser, het hoofd van 's werelds grootste oliemaatschappij Saudi Aramco, benoemd in de raad van bestuur. Over duurzaamheid en de sprookjes van 1001 nacht, lees meer in https://www.duurzaamnieuws.nl/duurzaam-de-vakantie-van-2023-door/
#blackrock #saudiaramco #klimaat #duurzaamheid
#duurzaamheid #klimaat #saudiaramco #blackrock
Die Selbstlosigkeit der Menschen erstaunt mich immer wieder.
Ganze Länder, Regionen und Städte planen Ausgaben in Milliardenhöhe, um den Hochwasserschutz auszubauen und sind zugleich so freigiebig den Verursachern ihre jährlichen Milliardengewinne zu lassen.
#Shell #ExxonMobil #BP #TotalEnergies #SaudiAramco #WintershallDEA #Gazprom #Chevron #RWE #Klimakrise
#shell #exxonmobil #bp #TotalEnergies #saudiaramco #WintershallDea #gazprom #chevron #rwe #klimakrise
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A8927F Tail: #N651XA
Owner: #SaudiAramco
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G650 ER
2023/07/20 11:50:53
#GLF6 #OilSpill #ManMadeClimateChange #ClimateCrisis https://xkcd.com/1732/
#planealert #a8927f #n651xa #saudiaramco #gulfstream #glf6 #oilspill #manmadeclimatechange #climatecrisis
ICYMI: The world's largest asset manager #BlackRock has named Amin Nasser, the chief of the world's largest #oil🛢️company #SaudiAramco, as an independent director https://www.reuters.com/business/blackrock-names-aramco-boss-board-2023-07-17/
The world's top asset manager #BlackRock has named Amin Nasser, the chief of the world's largest #oil🛢️ company #SaudiAramco, as an independent director https://www.reuters.com/business/blackrock-names-aramco-boss-board-2023-07-17/
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A8927F Tail: #N651XA Flt: #N651XA
Owner: #SaudiAramco
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G650 ER
2023/07/18 16:11:47
#GLF6 #OilSpill #ManMadeClimateChange #ClimateCrisis https://xkcd.com/1732/
#planealert #a8927f #n651xa #saudiaramco #gulfstream #glf6 #oilspill #manmadeclimatechange #climatecrisis
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A88EC8 Tail: #N650XA Flt: #N650XA
Owner: #SaudiAramco
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G650 ER
2023/07/07 23:51:12
#GLF6 #ManMadeClimateChange #OilSpill #ClimateCrisis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Aramco
#planealert #a88ec8 #n650xa #saudiaramco #gulfstream #glf6 #manmadeclimatechange #oilspill #climatecrisis
Tech-Konzerne aus den USA sind die wertvollsten Unternehmen
Die wertvollsten Unternehmen der Welt nach Börsenwert kommen weiterhin aus den Vereinigten Staaten - mit Apple an der Spitze. Wie eine Auswertung ergeben hat, sind zwei deutsche Konzerne unter den Top 100.
#USA #Börsenwert #TechBranche #EY #Apple #Microsoft #SaudiAramco
#usa #borsenwert #techbranche #ey #apple #microsoft #saudiaramco
So #Apple officially closed at over $3 trillion (that is $3,000,000,000,000 folks!).
They might surpass $5 trillion by 2025. That is an incredible feat for a company that almost went bankrupt decades ago.
👉🏾 Apple is a $3 trillion company — again https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/30/23779783/apple-3-trillion-market-cap-iphone-mac-vision-pro
#Microsoft is worth $2.5 trillion & #SaudiAramco (from #SaudiArabia 🇸🇦) is worth over $2 trillion.
#apple #microsoft #saudiaramco #saudiarabia
"UK firm given £430m green transition loan then expanded oil and gas business"
This beggars belief, even by Tory standards.
#WoodGroup #SaudiAramco #GreenTransitionLoans #FossilFuels #UKEF
#woodgroup #saudiaramco #greentransitionloans #fossilfuels #ukef
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A88EC8 Tail: #N650XA Flt: #N650XA
Owner: #SaudiAramco
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G650 ER
2023/06/07 07:00:53
#GLF6 #ManMadeClimateChange #OilSpill #ClimateCrisis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Aramco
#planealert #a88ec8 #n650xa #saudiaramco #gulfstream #glf6 #manmadeclimatechange #oilspill #climatecrisis
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A88EC8 Tail: #N650XA
Owner: #SaudiAramco
Aircraft: #Gulfstream G650 ER
2023/06/06 18:41:34
#GLF6 #ManMadeClimateChange #OilSpill #ClimateCrisis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Aramco
#planealert #a88ec8 #n650xa #saudiaramco #gulfstream #glf6 #manmadeclimatechange #oilspill #climatecrisis