Ken je dat? Dat je eigenlijk dingen te doen hebt maar nog éven een hoofdstukje wil lezen en dan niet meer kunt stoppen? #bijnauit #SaulBellow #TheRainKing
#therainking #saulbellow #bijnauit
Literarischer #10Juni
„You can spend the entire second half of your life recovering from the mistakes of the first half.“
#SaulBellow #SeizeTheDay Geburt 1915
#10juni #saulbellow #seizetheday
"A man must have limits and cannot give in to the wild desires to be everything and everyone and everything to everyone." — Saul Bellow — — — #SaulBellow #quote #quotes #overreach #everyone #everything #encompassing #limits #reasonable
#saulbellow #quote #quotes #Overreach #everyone #everything #encompassing #limits #reasonable
“ T—S.T.D.—B”
An interesting discussion in Ask Metafilter on the origins of some printed mystery notations in a 1966 Penguin book: "The bottom of page 33—and only page 33 – in my 1966 Penguin edition of Saul Bellow’s “Seize the Day” has “T—S.T.D.—B” written on the bottom left, opposite the page number. What does it stand for?"
#books #literature #mark #mystery #Penguin #printing #printer #publishing #SeizeTheDay #SaulBellow
#books #literature #mark #mystery #penguin #printing #printer #publishing #seizetheday #saulbellow
Literarischer #5April
„Human beings can lose their lives in libraries. They ought to be warned.“
#SaulBellow #HimWithHisFootInHisMouth Tod 2005
#5april #saulbellow #himwithhisfootinhismouth
50 Pulp Cover Treatments of Classic Works of Literature | Literary Hub #JamesAvati #saulbellow
Interests: #Jazz #Genesis (group, 1970-75) #Philosophy #ClassicalMusic #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #Autism (nature of) #Mind (relation to #world) #Science #Reason #Rationalism #Empiricism #Faith #ElectronicMusic #ircam #literature #SylviaPlath #Proust #solzhenitsyn #SaulBellow #History #ArmedService #Infantry #Nature #Climate #AnimalWelfare #Humour #Psychology #Cognition #mountainbiking #Photography Bitter and angry (raging) about #Brexit. Seeks same for walks and fun 🤩. Last bit: not really!
#Brexit #Photography #mountainbiking #cognition #psychology #Humour #animalwelfare #Climate #Nature #infantry #armedservice #History #saulbellow #solzhenitsyn #proust #SylviaPlath #literature #ircam #electronicmusic #faith #empiricism #rationalism #reason #Science #world #mind #Autism #mentalillness #mentalhealth #classicalmusic #philosophy #genesis #Jazz
The Last Man
The Peripheral
Station Eleven
Oryx and Crake
Parable of the Sower
The Left Hand of Darkness
Henderson the Rain King
#7books #maryshelley #williamgibson #emilystjohnmandel #margaretatwood #octaviabutler #ursulaleguin #saulbellow
NYJ, 67 year old retired attorney, a man who enjoys things. #CarlBarks #georgeherriman #segar #saulbellow #leftbanke #ElvisCostello #spinaltap #credibilitygap #bringingupbaby #edmcbain #KimberleyRew #thedbs #bigstar #Raspberries #auctions #firsteditions #masterandmargarita #broadway #musicals #HudsonSquare #citywinery #sativa #soju #chekhov #josephroth #charleswilleford #jimthompson #StanleyKubrick #martinscorsese #briandepalma #patriciahighsmith #thekinks #Balzac #mottthehoople #flashman
#Flashman #MottTheHoople #balzac #thekinks #PatriciaHighsmith #briandepalma #martinscorsese #stanleykubrick #jimthompson #charleswilleford #josephroth #chekhov #soju #sativa #citywinery #HudsonSquare #musicals #broadway #masterandmargarita #firsteditions #auctions #raspberries #BigStar #thedbs #KimberleyRew #edmcbain #bringingupbaby #credibilitygap #spinaltap #ElvisCostello #leftbanke #saulbellow #segar #georgeherriman #CarlBarks
You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write