🦕 thekidshouldseethis.com/post/t

are that walked on four legs, had long necks and tails and ate plants... and the colossal crown goes to a group of sauropods called . Introducing Puertasaurus, Patagotitan, and, perhaps the heaviest of them all, Argentinosaurus, weighing in at up to 70 tonnes, as much as 14 elephants.

“What allowed these titanosaurs to grow so big?”

#sauropods #dinosaurs #titanosaurs #video #animation #naturalhistory #paleontology #nhm #naturalhistorymuseum #dinosaur

Last updated 1 year ago

Determinerik :antifa: · @determinerik
1043 followers · 2558 posts · Server todon.nl

Camarasaurus supremus

Camarasaurus wordt soms vertaald als 'overkapte hagedis', maar de reden hiervoor is niet duidelijk. Waarschijnlijker is de verklaring dat het gaat om een 'sauriër met kamers', verwijzend naar de holtes in de ruggenwervels, waardoor de botten lichter werden.

Supremus is afgeleid van super, dat 'boven' betekent. Het woord is bedoeld als overtreffende trap: van de verschillende soorten Camarasaurus was dit waarschijnlijk de grootste.

De Camarasaurus supremus was een plantenetende dinosaurus uit het late Jura, tussen 155 en 145 miljoen jaar geleden.

Ze leefden in een gebied in het huidige Noord-Amerika.

Met hun tanden rukten ze het blad van bomen, wat zonder te kauwen werd ingeslikt. Waarschijnlijk slikten ze stenen in, om in hun maag te helpen bij het fijnmalen van het plantenmateriaal.


#taxonomy #taxonomie #etymologie #etymology #Nature #natuur #sauropods #dinosauriers #dinosaurs

Last updated 2 years ago

Thiago Carvalho · @cyrilpedia
1423 followers · 3613 posts · Server qoto.org

'They found that the inner ears of small and young E. holgeri individuals were almost as large as those of their adult counterparts, and very similar in shape. Given that inner ears have roles in both audition and the sense of equilibrium, this suggests that E. holgeri babies were able to leave their nest very soon after hatching. This makes it likely that the babies of the species were highly developed when they hatched, and could probably feed themselves almost immediately, possibly similar to chickens'


#paleontology #sauropods #evolution

Last updated 2 years ago

Dyna Sore · @DynaSore
73 followers · 623 posts · Server fosstodon.org
Ael · @ael
51 followers · 110 posts · Server mastodon.scot

Looks like I need to attach a visit to the in before or after Con next year.

Seeing the would be fantastic!


#paleontology #palaeontology #sauropods #dinosaurs #titanosaur #tetzoo #london #nhm

Last updated 2 years ago

TheDinolass 🦖 · @TheDinolass
80 followers · 251 posts · Server mastodon.social

Attending the "Jurassic Giants" symposium at the Oertijdmuseum in Boxtel today.
If you are there as well come say hi! :D

#paleontology #sauropods #dinosaurs #netherlands #preparation

Last updated 2 years ago

Steven Saus [he/him] · @StevenSaus
344 followers · 7129 posts · Server faithcollapsing.com

From 29 May: Which is worse for the soil—combines or dinosaurs? - Enlarge / Having this guy stomp through might mean that things would struggle to grow ther... arstechnica.com/science/2022/0

#soil #science #sauropods #paleontology #dinosaurs #biology #agriculture

Last updated 2 years ago

Soh Kam Yung · @sohkamyung
556 followers · 11288 posts · Server mstdn.io
Soh Kam Yung · @sohkamyung
556 followers · 11288 posts · Server mstdn.io

The family paid a visit to the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, Singapore, to see the "200: a natural history" exhibition. Of course we also paid a courtesy call to Apollonia, Prince and Twinky, the three centrepiece Sauropods of the museum.

#museums #singapore #naturalhistory #dinosaurs #sauropods

Last updated 5 years ago