~ Not My King ~
I didn't vote for him & the last thing we need is to be lorded over by the members of a dysfunctional family raised on estates scrounging for handouts from the public purse
prints by https://katherineanteney.co.uk/
#NotMyKing #fuckthecoronation #sausagefingers
I have much more pressing things I should be doing, but I just couldn't sit on a pile of 1935 #jubilee and 1953 #coronation souvenir books and not rip them up.
#collage #mastoart #sausagefingers #NotMyKing #Coronation #jubilee
@ntv die Würstchen zur Gartenparty hat er schon mal mitgebracht, vorbildlich #KingCharles #SausageFingers
Colonial oppression done subtly. #FuckTheEnglishKing #NotMyKing #AbolishTheMonarchy #SausageFingers https://nation.cymru/news/uproar-over-coronation-postbox-unveiled-outside-owain-glyndwr-pub/
#sausagefingers #abolishthemonarchy #notmyking #fucktheenglishking