leece · @leece
63 followers · 487 posts · Server aus.social

So on Sunday at the Cannington there's a to raise money for If you're in and down that way pop in and say hi, buy a snag and a drink and find out about Genghiscon. But if you can't you can check out the convention here genghiscon.org/

#bunnings #sausagesizzle #genghiscon #sciencefictionconventions #perth #westernaustralia

Last updated 1 year ago

fingers crossed the ppl of NSW will vote with their heads and not their hearts! Looking forward to my date with Antony Green tonight.

#democracy #nsw #nswpol #nswelection #sausagesizzle #bbq #australia #elections

Last updated 1 year ago

Chris Hall · @Platform_Journalism
658 followers · 95 posts · Server aus.social
Wolfie Rankin · @Wolfie_Rankin
1918 followers · 5818 posts · Server aus.social

I tried V2 sausages tonight, I'd ordered bratwurst ones but Woolies sold me these instead.

Firstly I realised I could do them in my air fryer, so that meant an easier late tea.

I had them in bread with a cheese slice and some smokey sauce.

At first I thought they seemed a bit tasteless, but then I got the herbs, sage and pepper mostly, oddly enough they tasted a lot like the stuffing inside a roast chook... minus the chook.

Disclaimer, I almost never eat sausages, I just never really liked them, but will strangely still buy a sausage sizzle.

Passable, filling, did the job.
Can't really complain.

Here's to our meatless Star Trek future.

#vegetarian #sausages #sausagesizzle

Last updated 1 year ago

ChrisAdamsEcon :betahat: · @chrisadamsecon
844 followers · 2706 posts · Server econtwitter.net