Ich musste gerade feststellen, dass die immer noch weiter verbreitete Falschbehauptung, die Hauptfigur aus "Rain Man" stelle einen #Autisten dar, für mich inzwischen ein echter #Trigger ist.
Hört auf, diesen Unfug zu verbreiten! Kim Peek war ein #Savant und kein #Autist. Dieses falsche Bild von #Autismus kann echten Schaden anrichten – indem es z. B. erwachsene Personen davon abhält, frühzeitig in die Diagnostik zu gehen (mir so geschehen…). Danke.
#ActuallyAutistic #autismus #autist #savant #trigger #Autisten
Ten years on, Owlboy developers are remastering their first shoot-em-up - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/ten-years-on-owlboy-developers-are-remastering-their-first-shoot-em-up #Savant-AscentAnniversaryEdition #ActionAdventure #D-PadStudio #Shooter #Owlboy #Indie
#indie #Owlboy #shooter #d #ActionAdventure #savant
@brandimwynne @ChristosArgyrop @hswapnil here’s the thing Brandi, no one is as talented as Christos. #Savant
Brain Gain: a person can instantly blossom into a #savant - and no one knows why https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/brain-gain-a-person-can-instantly-blossom-into-a-savant-and-no-one-knows-why/ Could The vOICe at some point suddenly trigger "new vision"?
(PDF, 2021) The sudden #savant: A new form of extraordinary abilities https://wmjonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/120/1/69.pdf "Eleven cases are described in which savant abilities suddenly and unexpectedly surfaced in #neurotypical persons with no special prior interest or ability in the new skills"; #neuroscience
#neuroscience #neurotypical #savant
#wealth #understanding #wisdom #savant
On continue la rétrospective avec mon album préféré du très talentueux Savant : Protos !
S'il est davantage connu pour sa #musique #electro, cet album a des teintes #pop et #rock qui sentent bon les dessins animés des années 80-90.
#savant #music #rock #pop #electro #musique
Born On a Blue Day by Daniel Tammet - 2007 Large Print Edition - A Memoir
#books #autism #savant #aspergers
Born On a Blue Day by Daniel Tammet - 2007 Large Print Edition - A Memoir
#books #autism #savant #aspergers
In case I'm not clear I will provide examples of what gives me shivers <3 https://www.facebook.com/598019356910092/posts/5333898986655415/?app=fbl #music
https://open.spotify.com/track/3YVv3Ug9Mp9o6xFcuLofTa?si=ecs0LBjRRA6N9eedFel05w&utm_source=copy-link #mecca #savant
In case I'm not clear I will provide examples of what gives me shivers <3 https://www.facebook.com/598019356910092/posts/5333898986655415/?app=fbl #music
https://open.spotify.com/track/3YVv3Ug9Mp9o6xFcuLofTa?si=ecs0LBjRRA6N9eedFel05w&utm_source=copy-link #mecca #savant
Le jour ou la réalité dépasse le cinéma #cinéma #delorean #fandom #invention #news #retours_vers_le_futur #savant #sciencefiction #tribunes #voyage_dans_le_temps https://hashtagueule.fr/posts/le-jour-ou-la-realite-depasse-le-cinema
#cinéma #delorean #fandom #invention #news #retours_vers_le_futur #savant #sciencefiction #tribunes #voyage_dans_le_temps
It always pains me to see when great musicians start painting their own cover art but have no idea what they are doing.
#Savant just released a new album, and he's one of my top 3 producers - I just adore his work.
But as an artist the cover he did himself is just too much for me. The first image is the type of stunning album art he used to commission, the second is the new diy one. Ouch.. 😬 😬
Music is still amazing though.
#coverart #art #soundtrack #electro #rant #edm #music #savant