This 👇🏼 is beyond sickening, no money to save the NHS by paying hard working staff but there is to pay an already multimillionaire
#notmyking #AbolishTheMonarchy #saveTheNHS
Reflecting on protests in general and how the Torys have vilified peaceful protestors; do those people sitting watching the cricket or Wimbledon, sitting in their cars in traffic jams realise, that in 20 to 30 years it won’t be possible to sit outside anywhere. As for driving the road surfaces are going to melt so good luck with that. I probably won’t be here but people I love will. #DefendTheRightToProtest #DefendTheEnvironment #SaveTheNHS #KickTheTorysAndLabourIntoHistory
#defendtherighttoprotest #defendtheenvironment #saveTheNHS #kickthetorysandlabourintohistory
A message to Tory voters for Thursday 4th May 2023.
Stay at home.
Save Lives.
Protect the NHS.
#UKPolitcs #saveTheNHS #ToriesOut
@mongoose my dad’s had a stroke and they’re just doing what they need to do. Makes the bloated politicians, even skinny little Rishi! look like a waste of space. #SaveOurNHS #SaveTheNHS
Something you might expect opposition to the Tories to commit to if elected, if @UKLabour weren’t so utterly bereft of original thinking or bold plans. #SaveTheNHS
@jesso That's it! Time the news highlit rather than gaslit! Thank you for all that you do #SaveTheNHS #SupportTheStrike
Just been to the pharmacy to collect my prescription which I ordered a week ago because they always take a week to get it in stock. But they don't have it now. They said maybe a week.
Appointments with the GP are rarer than hen's teeth, drugs on the NHS is a mess, things are falling apart.
No amount of hard work by NHS staff can save our healthcare system. It needs proper funding by government instead of asset-stripping.
a reminder why Rishi Sunak is not my PM. Jeremy Hunt is not my chancellor. Didn't vote for them, in fact, no one voted for them. Can he change the funding formals back so that poor urban and poor non-urban areas can get on with their lives? #savetheNHS
#Sunak #costoflivingcrisis #ukpolitics #budget #jeremyhunt
#saveTheNHS #Sunak #Costoflivingcrisis #ukpolitics #budget #jeremyhunt
In case anyone isn't aware there is a rally in central London right now.
Pop along if you're lucky enough to be able to get there xxx
"The function of a private healthcare system is not to provide quality healthcare. The function of a private healthcare system is to make money for insurance companies."
#berniesanders #ridge #spoton #saveTheNHS #nhs
The #ToryScum are considering charging sick people for being sick, this would end the #NHS as we know it. Don't accept paying for your right to healthcare.
Sign the petition here:
#ToryScum #nhs #saveTheNHS #nhsprivatisation #nhscrisis
@shaunlintern Deaths directly related to Tories starving the NHS of adequate funding. #savetheNHS
This would be the start of a very slippery slope. A £20 charge to see a GP which might seem reasonable, would quickly become £30 then £50... This cannot be allowed to happen. #GTTO #SaveTheNHS #GeneralElectionNow
#GTTO #saveTheNHS #GeneralElectionNow
I try to keep my masto free of politics (a major negative about birdland imo) but see lots of toots on my timeline, rightly with concerns about what's happening to our poor country.
The only thing I will say is change is coming, so here's a hopeful image of a better future...
#waitinggame #saveTheNHS
The Tories have created the NHS crisis and they should own it #GTTO #NeverVoteConservative #ToriesOut #nhsheroes #nhs #nhsworkers #savethenhs
#GTTO #NeverVoteConservative #ToriesOut #NHSheroes #nhs #NHSworkers #saveTheNHS
#GeneralElectionNow #ToriesOutNow #SunakOut #BrexitLies #ToryLies #ToriesDestroyingOurNHS #SaveTheNHS #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #ToryCriminals #ToryCorruption #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #NHSCrisis #NHS #NursesStrike #NursesPayRiseNow #NursesPay #ToryBrokenBritain #ToryBritain
#GeneralElectionNow #ToriesOutNow #SunakOut #BrexitLies #ToryLies #toriesdestroyingournhs #saveTheNHS #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #ToryCriminals #ToryCorruption #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #nhscrisis #nhs #nursesstrike #nursespayrisenow #NursesPay #torybrokenbritain #torybritain
Another #SocialistSunday is upon us. Hope everybody is well.
We are still being governed by a corrupt, lying, self serving mob who are laughing at us.
So the message remains the same, keep on keeping on and don’t let them grind you or others down. We are genuinely in this together #JoinAUnion #saveTheNHS #FightFascism
#SocialistSunday #JoinAUnion #saveTheNHS #fightfascism