3/🧵 on 🏳️🌈 month
But are you aware of two incidents in Ottawa, where yesterday's hatefest took place?
One took place last week after the disgusting fashy #TerrorTots held their June 9 nonsense outside Ottawa schools (repeated, less "successfully" yesterday at a Drag Queen Story Hour in the Arts Centre).
The graffiti, which has since been removed, included swastikas, hateful comments about several groups of people including Black, Indigenous, Amish, Chinese, 2SLGBTQ+ and people with Down syndrome, along with other subjects.
A window was also smashed and the door of a portable was broken, although it is not believed that anyone actually entered the school or portables, said the board.
“Fortunately, this was discovered by staff before the start of the school day and the graffiti was covered. Students were not exposed to the graffiti and staff kept all students away from the area when they arrived at school and throughout the school day.”
{{ snip }}
On June 9, protesters supporting anti-“gender ideology” activist “Chris Elston clashed with counter-protesters on Broadview Avenue, where there are three schools: Nepean High School, Broadview Public School and Notre Dame High School.
All three schools had to adjust their schedules because of the potential chaos, and the OCDSB asked the public not to attend.
The street was blocked by police and five people were arrested, although no charges were laid. Elston, known as “Billboard Chris,” said the protests were among the largest gatherings of their type on his experience and the counter-protest made the event “go viral.”
#ShutDownHate #SaveCanadaFash #FuckHomophobia #FuckTransphobia #FuckFascism
#terrortots #shutdownhate #savecanadafash #fuckhomophobia #fucktransphobia #fuckfascism
Get some sleep, #Ottawa
🏳️🌈 🏳️⚧️ 🏳️🌈 🏳️⚧️ 🏳️🌈
You've got #TerrorTots and #ProtestProfiteers attacking people's rights again bright and early.
🏳️🌈 🏳️⚧️ 🏳️🌈 🏳️⚧️ 🏳️🌈
#SaveCanadaFash #OttPoli
#CarymaNgo #CreepySpouseInDaHouse
#DragDefence #DragDefense #DragStoryTime #DragDefenders #FuckHomophobes #FuckHomophobia #FuckTransphobia
#WhoKeepsUsSafe #CommunityDefence #FashWatch #FashWatchCanada #PoliceDontKeepUsSafe #ProtestParasites
#ottawa #terrortots #protestprofiteers #savecanadafash #ottpoli #carymango #creepyspouseindahouse #dragdefence #dragdefense #DragStoryTime #dragdefenders #fuckhomophobes #fuckhomophobia #fucktransphobia #whokeepsussafe #CommunityDefence #fashwatch #fashwatchcanada #policedontkeepussafe #protestparasites
Holy shit.
#CarymaNgo's gonna have to up her grift game!
Or: maybe she can recreate the back-to-back Bowie shot with these guys. 🤷🏾♀️
Are there any protest parasites/profiteers NOT coming to #Ottawa?
#ProtestParasites #ProtestProfiteers
#DragDefence #DragDefense #DragStoryTime #DragDefenders #FuckHomophobes #FuckHomophobia #FuckTransphobia
#WhoKeepsUsSafe #CommunityDefence #FashWatch #PoliceDontKeepUsSafe #SaveCanadaFash
#fashwatchcanada #carymango #ottawa #protestparasites #protestprofiteers #dragdefence #dragdefense #DragStoryTime #dragdefenders #fuckhomophobes #fuckhomophobia #fucktransphobia #whokeepsussafe #CommunityDefence #fashwatch #policedontkeepussafe #savecanadafash
Oh wow.
These are some low engagement numbers for you.
Don't worry, I'm sure a #TerrorTot will retweet you soon, and boost you to your rightful audience.
#DragDefence #DragDefense #DragStoryTime #DragDefenders #FuckHomophobes #FuckHomophobia #FuckTransphobia
#WhoKeepsUsSafe #CommunityDefence #FashWatch #FashWatchCanada #PoliceDontKeepUsSafe
#terrortot #carymango #savecanadafash #dragdefence #dragdefense #DragStoryTime #dragdefenders #fuckhomophobes #fuckhomophobia #fucktransphobia #whokeepsussafe #CommunityDefence #fashwatch #fashwatchcanada #policedontkeepussafe
2/🧵: Who Else Was There?
In addition to the "definitely-not-fash" contingent, there were many recognizable faces among the crowd that day, along with a slew of no-name streamers looking for content.
Among them [ image ❶ ]:
▪︎ Several Rebel "News" scuzzballs
▪︎ The Post Millennial,
▪︎ Fash photog Yan Parisien
▪︎ Global, and
▪︎ Freelancers whose work has appeared in many outlets.
(And no, my dear confused stalkers, I am not a journalist¹ or even a source for anyone.)
A fair contingent travelled from Ottawa and arrived early to bolster local paedifash in the high school, notably Chris Dacey and his TerrorTots. Dacey is known for being surrounded by a phalanx of twinks in red caps — and for his visible agitation at the phrase "fuck you, Dacey."
I feel like I may have buried the lede here:
Were there Nazis, you might ask. Why yes! Gus Stefanis of the Canadian Nationalist Party attended, after an invite from fashy Save Canada #TerrorTot Josh🚮 [ image ❷ ], and defended by another fashy TerrorTot, Monty 🚮, who doesn't think anything on his Twitter feed is problematic. [ image ❸ ]
Totally not-a-Nazi(tm).
Inside, living legend Martin Boyce, one of the last known survivors of the Stonewall Riots. The fascist TerrorTots capitalized on the "Riot" bit, of course, in their outreach to shitlibs. We all know that #RiotsWork so the repeated harping on this word stood out.
I keep hearing that the racist/homophobic/sexist/gammon generation is aging out, but I remain unconvinced. You'll note the young faces at the forefront of "pushing for a better world" are almost to a one: girls.
Of course it's not a hard and fast rule; there are girls in Save Canada hats and boys who are not terrified to participate in Pink Shirt Day; the distribution with this, as with everything else, is bimodal, not binary.
Ironic, given the fascist need to push for and enforce an artificial gender binary.
Almost as ironic as the continued fascist use of the word "grooming" to deflect from their own indoctrination activities so obviously on display here².
² https://kolektiva.social/@Gigi/110186614736262273
#SaveCanadaFash #DragDefence #DragDefense #DragStoryTime #DragDefenders #FuckHomophobes #FuckHomophobia #FuckTransphobia
#WhoKeepsUsSafe #CommunityDefence #FashWatch #FashWatchCanada #PoliceDontKeepUsSafe
#terrortot #riotswork #savecanadafash #dragdefence #dragdefense #DragStoryTime #dragdefenders #fuckhomophobes #fuckhomophobia #fucktransphobia #whokeepsussafe #CommunityDefence #fashwatch #fashwatchcanada #policedontkeepussafe
✨️ If you are unclear who the rotten little shits are, here's a link to video from @SpaceyDacey at their last appearance at the same event last month:
✨️ Here's video of them being praised yesterday by Christine Anderson, member of Germany's far-right populist neo-Nazi AfD political party:
✨️ And more on her fashy tour of Canada from @CatLady
#FashWatch #FashWatchCanada #AlertaAlertaAntifascista #SaveCanadaFash #ChrisDaceyFash #ChristineAndersonFash
#fashwatch #fashwatchcanada #AlertaAlertaAntifascista #savecanadafash #chrisdaceyfash #christineandersonfash
🧵🏴#AlertaAlertaAntifascista 🏴🧵
"Save Canada," the fashy #TerrorTots who are being primed for a future of comminative abuse by their diagolon- and TUPOC-adjacent Vater-figure Chris Dacey, have declared their intention to harass parents and children attending this weekend's 🏳️🌈 Drag Story Time 🏳️🌈 at the Peterborough Public Library.
✨️ News Article
Betty Baker is going ahead with her next story time for children on Saturday morning at the Peterborough Public Library.
#DragDefence #DragDefense #DragStoryTime #DragDefenders #FuckHomophobes #FuckHomophobia #FuckTransphobia
#WhoKeepsUsSafe #CommunityDefence #FashWatch #FashWatchCanada #SaveCanadaFash #ChrisDaceyFash #PoliceDontKeepUsSafe
#AlertaAlertaAntifascista #terrortots #dragdefence #dragdefense #DragStoryTime #dragdefenders #fuckhomophobes #fuckhomophobia #fucktransphobia #whokeepsussafe #CommunityDefence #fashwatch #fashwatchcanada #savecanadafash #chrisdaceyfash #policedontkeepussafe