The use of chemical weapons and poisoning schoolgirls is a clear indication that the Islamic Republic seeks to spread fear and intimidation amongst female students. These reprehensible acts are part of a systematic effort to deny Iranian girls access to education and limit their opportunities for personal and professional growth.
#mahsaamini #womenlifefreedom #IranRevolution #chemicalkhamenei #saveiraniangirls
The parents of schoolgirls who are being poisoned have taken to the streets, blaming the Islamic regime for a series of chemical attacks on schoolgirls in Iran. 'Revolutionary Guards! You are our ISIS!' is the slogan that was heard in Tehran today.
#mahsaamini #womenlifefreedom #IranRevolution #saveiraniangirls #irgcterrorists
Ali Khamenei (aka. Chemical Ali) and his misogynistic fanatics are responsible for poisoning Iranian schoolgirls. The Devil wears a black turban.
#mahsaamini #womenlifefreedom #IranRevolution #saveiraniangirls
#WomenLifeFreedom #IranianWomen #iranianRevolution #WomenRightsAreHumanRights #saveIranianSchoolchildren #saveIranianGirls #saveIranianWomen #Equality #StopFundamentalistOppression
#stopfundamentalistoppression #equality #saveiranianwomen #saveiraniangirls #saveiranianschoolchildren #womenrightsarehumanrights #iranianrevolution #iranianwomen #womenlifefreedom