RT @jlpassarelli
If you missed the World Premier of my film (and don't want to use a proprietary platform):
Watch "The War on Journalism: The Case of #JulianAssange" here: https://video.emergeheart.info/videos/watch/f2467447-f5a8-45c9-8d08-804d6a2d4747
#savejulian #julianassange #freeassange #AssangeCase
La Plataforma en Defensa de la Libertad de Información se va a dirigir este lunes al embajador de Estados Unidos en España para pedir la retirada de todos los cargos contra Julian Assange.
#FreeAssangeNow #savejulian #LibertadAssange #FreeAssange
RT @MrsC_Assange@twitter.com
Dear Journalists,
If you have not spoken up for my son, politically persecuted journalist #JulianAssange,
please join journalists around the world & do so now
Julian will not survive US Extradition
Journalism will not survive this precedent
#DefendPressFreedom https://twitter.com/serenatinari/status/1302617978584870918
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MrsC_Assange/status/1302825453325934592
#julianassange #savejulian #defendpressfreedom
RT @danieldeceder@twitter.com
Action 4 Assange media day. Protesting in front of @CNN@twitter.com @Google@twitter.com @FoxNews@twitter.com @cspan@twitter.com and @NBCNews@twitter.com
Real journalism is not a crime. Free Julian Assange✊🍀⏳#SaveJulian #FreeAssange #AssangeCase #DontExtraditeAssange #Gitmo
#savejulian #freeassange #AssangeCase #dontextraditeassange #gitmo
RT @MrsC_Assange@twitter.com
THREAD on why people like Julian
1) He founded http://Wikileaks.org to give the worlds whistleblowers a safe anonymous publishing platform to warn fellow citizens of the crimes, corruption & abuses of power by Govts/Corp which impact their lives