We’re going official! If you’re interested in becoming a Nose Creek Preservation Society Member come join us on September 13, 2023.
#SaveNoseCreek #SpeakForNoseCreek #yyc #RockyViewCounty #Airdrie #yyccc #abpoli #cdnpoli
Sign Up: https://www.savenosecreek.com/news-events/agm-2023-09-13
#cdnpoli #abpoli #yyccc #Airdrie #rockyviewcounty #yyc #speakfornosecreek #savenosecreek
Porky was on a mission this morning! #SaveNoseCreek #SNCwildlife #yyc #RockyViewCounty #Airdrie #yyccc #abpoli #cdnpoli #Porcupine
#porcupine #cdnpoli #abpoli #yyccc #Airdrie #rockyviewcounty #yyc #sncwildlife #savenosecreek
Alright Creek-Heads... IF we're successful, what would you name our Provincial or National Urban Park? #SaveNoseCreek #yyc #RockyViewCounty #Airdrie
#Airdrie #rockyviewcounty #yyc #savenosecreek
Such an amazing night in the Nose Creek Valley! Beavers, Herons and Coyotes! Bustling with Life!! This area needs to be preserved! #SaveNoseCreek #SNCwildlife #SNCbirds #yyc #RockyViewCounty #Airdrie #yyccc #abpoli #cdnpoli
#cdnpoli #abpoli #yyccc #Airdrie #rockyviewcounty #yyc #sncbirds #sncwildlife #savenosecreek
Always be cautious around the bushes along Nose Creek. You might find yourself in a PRICKLY situation. #SaveNoseCreek #SNCwildlife #yyc #RockyViewCounty #Airdrie #abpoli #cdnpoli #Porcupine
#porcupine #cdnpoli #abpoli #Airdrie #rockyviewcounty #yyc #sncwildlife #savenosecreek
Did you know we’ve got fingernail sized clams in Nose Creek? Our Creek Watch team is always finding new and exciting things in their weekly invertebrates screens. #SaveNoseCreek #SNCwatershed #SNCcreekwatch #SNCwildlife #yyc #RockyViewCounty #Airdrie #yyccc #abpoli #cdnpoli
#cdnpoli #abpoli #yyccc #Airdrie #rockyviewcounty #yyc #sncwildlife #snccreekwatch #sncwatershed #savenosecreek
Happy #NationalHoneyBeeDay from all of us in the Nose Creek Valley! #SaveNoseCreek #SNCbees #SNCwildlife #yyc #RockyViewCounty #Airdrie #abpoli #cdnpoli
#cdnpoli #abpoli #Airdrie #rockyviewcounty #yyc #sncwildlife #sncbees #savenosecreek #nationalhoneybeeday
Thanks to everyone who came to the Harvest Hills Hub Makers Market. Weather was wild but the conversations were awesome! #SaveNoseCreek #SNCevents #yyc #RockyViewCounty #Airdrie #abpoli #cdnpoli
#cdnpoli #abpoli #Airdrie #rockyviewcounty #yyc #sncevents #savenosecreek
Good Morning Creek-Heads! Lloyd, one of our Fur-Advocates, wishes you a great Heritage Day! #SaveNoseCreek #yyc #RockyViewCounty #Airdrie #yyccc #abpoli #cdnpoli #dogsofmastodon #puppers
#puppers #dogsofmastodon #cdnpoli #abpoli #yyccc #Airdrie #rockyviewcounty #yyc #savenosecreek
FISH SIGHTING: Our fish expert says it could be a Fathead Minnow in spawning coloration. They get quite dark and grow bumps (nuptial tubercles) on their head. #SaveNoseCreek #SNCfish #SNCwildlife #yyc #RockyViewCounty #Airdrie #yyccc #abpoli
#abpoli #yyccc #Airdrie #rockyviewcounty #yyc #sncwildlife #sncfish #savenosecreek
Today it has been 1 Full Year of Save Nose Creek Advocacy! Here are some of the numbers:
2x Calgary City Council Appearances
1x Mention in a Rocky View County Council Meeting
5x Councillor Meetings
1x Mayor Meeting
3x MLA Meetings
1x MP Meeting
19x Media hits
10x Tours
3x Nose Creek Watershed Partnership Meetings
1x Elementary Presentation
2x Podcasts
16x U of C Studio Projects
9x Presentations
5x Community Events
1x Developer Meeting
Still lots more to do! #SaveNoseCreek
We did a thing… #SaveNoseCreek
We did a thing… #SaveNoseCreek
May the 4th Be With You! A reminder that you have until May 7 to get all your #CityNatureChallenge observations in from the weekend (Apr 28- May 1) Log them on the iNaturalist app! #MayThe4thBeWithYou #SaveNoseCreek #CityNatureChallengeYYC #yyc #StarWarsDay
#starwarsday #yyc #citynaturechallengeyyc #savenosecreek #maythe4thbewithyou #citynaturechallenge
There are 2 Opportunities for our Advocacy to “Speak for Nose Creek” with City of Calgary
1.) The 20 Year Parks Plan (Now - May 19)
Link: https://engage.calgary.ca/ParksPlan
2.) The River Valleys Plan (Now - Jun 5)
Link: https://engage.calgary.ca/rivervalleys
Find creative ways to ask the City of Calgary to create a Cross-Municipal Park System from Calgary to Airdrie along the Nose Creek Valley.
#yyccc #yyc #speakfornosecreek #savenosecreek
Thanks to everyone who came for our Save Nose Creek #CityNatureChallenge Guided Tour! Please continue to post your sightings throughout this weekend! Thank You @citynatureyyc for co-hosting with us!! #SaveNoseCreek #SNCcnc #yyc #RockyViewCounty #Airdrie #abpoli #cdnpoli #yyccc
#yyccc #cdnpoli #abpoli #Airdrie #rockyviewcounty #yyc #snccnc #savenosecreek #citynaturechallenge
“The Emerald Necklace” of the West Nose Creek & Nose Creek Valley’s has been squeezed through #yyc development over the years.
We hope to work with municipalities and developers to extend that necklace. Maybe we can help to keep it “Emerald.” #SaveNoseCreek @cmcalgary
This week #SaveNoseCreek was invited to watch the Final Projects of U of C School of Architecture Planning and Landscape Masters Students. 16 unique studio projects focused on Nose Creek Park concepts. #SpeakForNoseCreek #yyc #rockyviewcounty #airdrie #yyccc #abpoli #cdnpoli
#cdnpoli #abpoli #yyccc #Airdrie #rockyviewcounty #yyc #speakfornosecreek #savenosecreek
The City of Calgary is launching engagement as they write their 20-Year Parks Plan. The fact there is NO ENGAGEMENT events planned for Northern Hills / North Central Calgary says a lot about “Calgary’s 20-Year Park Plan.” C’mon Calgary, Nose Creek should be the top of this list! #SaveNoseCreek #yyc #yycNorthRage #yyccc
#yyccc #yycnorthrage #yyc #savenosecreek