Privatisation has wrecked the UK, destroyed our environment and ruined lives.
Some instituions exist for the public good.
Some things should NEVER be for sale.
Top of the list - our NHS
Support NHS workers & #SaveOurNHS from the #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern
#ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #saveournhs
“Labour and Tories ‘out of step’ with cost of living concerns”
Are you listening @Keir_Starmer @UKLabour?
No more making policy for the profiteers or Murdoch.
Listen to voters
We need REAL change not more ‘Tory Lite’
Tories have wrecked UK infrastructure and syphoned off profits to the wealthy so you must
#WealthTax profiteers & rebuild the UK
And #taxtherich to #SaveOurNHS
#saveournhs #taxtherich #wealthtax
I'm currently re-reading my records of NHS changes over time
I worked a a State Registered Nurse within our NHS and specialising in various roles, for nearly 35 years
Old artical from December 2020 John Lister
Published by The Tribune Magazine
How Thatcher Unleashed the *NHS Outsourcing* Wave
"often even sporting the NHS logo on buildings and uniforms. No wonder some people don't recognise
it as a problem."
A powerful thread about the work of nurses in the real world...
Our NHS Private Health
Revealed: The links between Tory MPs and the people profiting from NHS privatisation
Rich privateers with their eyes on our National Health Service donate to Conservative MPs.
If an MP works for, invests in or receives donations from either a private healthcare organisation or a fund that invests in private healthcare organisations. Do they really have any interest in saving our NHS?
Think about it!
15 AUGUST 2023
More Tory Lies!
Health secretary Steve Barclay wrong to claim NHS consultants receive tax-free pensions
"NHS consultants who retire at 65 receive a tax-free pension."
👇 Full Fact
#NHS in England would need to spend £10.2bn to bring rundown buildings and kit up to standard, figures show
About £1.8bn of the backlog of repairs are now considered “high risk”.
via @guardiannews @SydesJokes #SaveOurNHS
Keep our NHS Public
In this pre-election period, it is vital that we stand together to defend our #NHS from those who seek to undermine its core values
John Whalley @NEBylines @BylineTimes @SydesJokes
#nhsprivatisation #saveournhs #nhs
Patient dies & 3 hospitalised private company, Sciensus, administered unlicensed #chemotherapy
Cancer patient has died and three others have been hospitalised after they were administered unlicensed versions of chemotherapy by #Sciensus, a private company paid millions by the NHS to provide essential medication
#ToryProfiteers #ToryCorruption #Privatisation #PrivatisationFails #SaveOurNHS #PeopleNotProfits #malpractice #medical #cancer #ToryLiars #ToryCronyism
#torycronyism #ToryLiars #cancer #medical #malpractice #peoplenotprofits #saveournhs #privatisationfails #privatisation #ToryCorruption #toryprofiteers #sciensus #chemotherapy
Over 64 reasons to be grateful to the NHS following an accident: one man counts the number of staff that helped him.
#NHS #SaveOurNHS #NHSCrisis #NHSNotForSale #Healthcare #BritishInstitution
#britishinstitution #healthcare #NHSNotforSale #nhscrisis #saveournhs #nhs
The government used its massive majority in Parliament to vote against protecting the NHS in international trade deals. Former Tory PM, John Major, who introduced private finance initiatives, said that under Boris Johnson and Michael Gove: “The NHS is about as safe … as a pet hamster would be with a hungry python.”
#saveournhs #fcapitalism #ftories
I'm very happy to hear this. Thankyou
The fact is that we often only hear the worst about any topic.
I worked in A&E for many years and we saved thousands of lives but would read one negative story in the local press. Often misinformation too
Our precious NHS has been deliberately underfunded with large chunks sold off or contracted out to the private sector in an attempt to privatise by *stealth*
Many MP's have financial interests in private healthcare
Video on the political decision to eliminate #ourNHS
#ToryCorruption #ToryLiars #NHS #SaveOurNHS #ToryProfiteers #PeopleNotProfit #PeopleNotProfits #CorporateTerrorism
#corporateterrorism #peoplenotprofits #PeopleNotProfit #toryprofiteers #saveournhs #nhs #ToryLiars #ToryCorruption #ournhs
I saw my GP yesterday for the first time in a few years. He looked like he was on the edge of collapse. I was really worried about him.
I can't stop thinking about how NHS stsff are our most precious health resource and, as individuals, they are being slowly destroyed as part of the Government's decision to run down healthcare that's free at the point of access.
We need to #SaveOurNHS and preserve the lives and wellbeing of the people who work in it.
The NHS is ‘flashing red’ on almost all performance measures, warns the British Medical Association. #ToryBritain #GeneralElectionNow #SaveOurNHS
#torybritain #GeneralElectionNOW #saveournhs
What an incredibly stupid headline and superficial analysis. Just because the NHS is on its knees due to lack of funding doesn’t mean people ‘hate’ it. And politicians of all stripes have announced sweeping changes, so this is hardly unthinkable. The subtext here is: nobody is going to scrap the NHS so can we just move on. But that ignores the Tories’ privatisation agenda which threatens the whole system. #SaveOurNHS
NHS’s 75th birthday is make or break moment for privatisation
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine said up to 500 people may have died every week late last year because they could not access the urgent care they needed
The state of the NHS was predicted & predictable
The situation is worsening because politicians are failing to take necessary action to safeguard lives
#NHS #Healthcare #CapitalismFails #privatisation #ToryCorruption #SaveOurNHS #ToryCronyism
#torycronyism #saveournhs #ToryCorruption #privatisation #capitalismfails #healthcare #nhs
We need to get back to the original plan then don't we!
Governments have consistently privatised dental care as long as I can remember Now we have many young & old people losing their teeth
We choose to have a problem tooth removed because it's cheaper than treating the tooth to save it!
Many people never see a dentist preventatively because it's so expensive
NHS dentistry is near impossible to find
Nye Bevan would turn in his grave
No surprise, 40 hospitals by 2030 was Johnson back of a cigarette packet psychedelic fantasy.
If you live in a Tory constituency promised a new hospital, like Liz Truss’s that is served by the crumbling Queen Elizabeth hospital in King’s Lynn you know what to do…stop believing the lies, stop voting Conservative.
#saveournhs #toriesout #GeneralElectionNOW