First time morning #savers since month. Meditation was okay, everything else pretty hard. Getting back on my feet to re-enter my #phdlife . After a long ass infection that fucked up my vitamine levels, burn out symtoms and hard career choices. I realy hope I will be better soon, for myself any everyone around me.
Even ordered some cute femme and butch fashion in COLORS - trying everything here to feel better lol
Over the past 5Qs, #BoE 's base rate went from 0.1% to 4%. While policy interest rate rises are quickly passed on to borrowers (as anyone with a mortgage well knows), they are barely transmitted to #savers, chart @FT
How good is Savers in Preston? 🤷🏻 This good! Haha.
Early 2000s vibes with this hat and top.
#thrift #savers #preston #thrifting
How good is Savers in Preston? 🤷🏻 This good! Haha.
Early 2000s vibes with this hat and top.
#thrift #savers #preston #thrifting
Every day I try to listen to a secular/ non-theist/ humanistic talk, often from secular faith communities.
Today I'm making use of this collection of thought-provoking talks from Non-Theist Quakers in the UK.
#secular #NonTheist #Humanist #Quakers
#HumanisticJudaism #HumanisticChristianity #RationalPaganism
#SAVERS #MiracleMorning
#secular #nontheist #humanist #quakers #humanisticjudaism #humanisticchristianity #rationalpaganism #savers #miraclemorning
> "More will be sent to bankers"
Creditors not necessarily bankers.
Also don't forget they still have a moneyPump to bailOut there friends.
Professor #SteveKeen has a decent idea to pay down #debt while ensuring regular people and #savers are not disadvantaged but its unknown by us whether he has the ear of govts.
Also we are not fans of #JobGuarantee propositions — #degrowth is needed.
We find that monetary policy is really downstream from energy, though – and #peakOil.
#stevekeen #debt #savers #jobguarantee #degrowth #peakoil
There is still one big, #boomer blunder that you still have time to rectify.
Help your #family ditch the failing Frankenstein of #fiat, the ugly, suckling #USDollar. Over generations you've seen the #misallocation, the financialised #growthism, and #speculativeBubbles and wars it has fueled when countries expressed to stand apart from it.
Stop fueling fiat and move towards #degrowth, a #deflationary money for #savers.
Dear boomer,
#boomer #family #fiat #USDollar #misallocation #growthism #speculativeBubbles #degrowth #deflationary #savers #bitcoin #monero
If GNUTaler is built on #fiat we're pleased we only namedropped it in a caveat, "some are suggesting Duniter and #Taler but we've not researched those."
Fiat is latin for "let it (their #corruption and abuse of power) be so".
Someone said above "money is power". Only partly right, control over #moneySupply is #power, and we've seen during the past two years how #kleptocrats manipulate supply for self-gain and to hurt non-hedonist #savers.
#fiat #taler #corruption #moneySupply #power #kleptocrats #savers
The sad part is it almost seemed like they were about to turn over a new leaf last month by accepting donations in sound-money from actual #savers.
Then the #grifters in the #twitterSphere saw an end to that, of course.
#savers #grifters #TwitterSphere #warOnSavers #growthism
Is every single #bank in #Australia now served by Cloudflare?
Its sure looking that way.
And given that we refuse to use #Cloudflare, we thus consider ourselves #unbanked. Save for *maybe* some #bitcoin.
The #warOnBitcoiners (we mean #savers) is not subtle.
#bank #australia #cloudflare #unbanked #bitcoin #WarOnBitcoiners #savers #neofeudalism #usOccupation #homeToRoost #USOwned
Public service announcement:
Bitcoiners are #savers. They are 'savers' in every sense of the word.
Please remember that when you want to bash #consumption, propertyDevelopers, rentseekers and landholders, bigProperty, #miningCompanies and other cronyists, and corporateFascists destroying our #environment.
#Bitcoin is 40-70% renewable electricity. Please think before posting.
That is all.
#savers #consumption #miningCompanies #environment #bitcoin
This week #MaxKeiser made an interesting point about #Australia's #hotelQuarantine system.
Australia has an extreme number of outrageous #financialProducts designed to prop up #rentseekers and #bankers at the expense of #savers. Rather than taper markets w lower #moneyPrinting or raising #interestRates he posits #hotelQuarantine is used to remove people from the economy.
It may sound conspiratorial, but judging by #building proposals we see a growing weaponisation of #COVID and #mentalHealth.
#MaxKeiser #australia #hotelQuarantine #financialProducts #rentseekers #bankers #savers #moneyPrinting #interestrates #building #covid #mentalhealth
There is nothing commonsense about #corporations being able to destroy savers with #moneyPrinting, though.
Neoliberalism ideology starts with the premise that #savers are bad and must be financially castrated. That people should not be able to store wealth, that #banks get to create #wealth by typing numbers into a computer.
The system is designed to liberate a 1% group. Ask people how #banking should work — that's #commonSense.
#corporations #moneyPrinting #savers #banks #wealth #banking #commonsense #corporatism #neoliberalism #ruledByTheLeastQualified
> I want #cash, I want something I can hold in my hands
You saw what happened to your #superannuation, right?
#passiveInvesting #pensionFunds #bankers #savings #savers #speculation #growthPonzi #zeroPercentInterest #slowTheft #moneyPrinterGoBrr #corporateRaiders #whyBitcoin #bitcoin
#cash #pensionFunds #speculation #growthPonzi #zeroPercentInterest #superannuation #passiveInvesting #bankers #savings #savers #slowTheft #moneyPrinterGoBrr #corporateraiders #whyBitcoin #bitcoin
Interesting discussion here.
Yes, Abe #MMT is a perversion designed to castrate the saver. They believe that saving is not a good act. They don't recognise that #savers are actually needed to restore balance to an economy and to minimise the impact of the (now traditional) boom-bust cycle.
MMT is war on the #workingPeople - and a fresh excuse to give cash to #oligarchs that can "put plebs to work", digging holes and filling them again.
#mmt #savers #workingPeople #oligarchs
Do examine closely the #CantillonEffect ie. Those closest to the money printing scoop up the benefits of it before the inflationary effect (read: price hike) occurs.
This is why we are big supporters of hard-currency like bitcoin. The overlords cannot print money for themselves and thus cannot take private ownership of all assets.
In a #bitcoin future prices will adjust to reflect demand, thus #savers will not be destroyed like we are now.
#cantilloneffect #bitcoin #savers
Who should be forced to suffer for reckless #consumerism and spending?
The people who recklessly spent, or the people who saved?
#savers #economy #saving #warOnSavers #moneyPrinterGoBrr #kleptocracy #inflation #moneyPrinting
#consumerism #savers #economy #saving #warOnSavers #moneyPrinterGoBrr #kleptocracy #inflation #moneyPrinting
Q) How long it will take for govts to ban #coins and #paperMoney?
A) How long will it will take for #bitcoin to reach $50,000?
#physicalMoney #cash #sovereignty #demonetisation #neofeudalism #bailin #bailout #inflation #theft #moneySupply #savings #savers #bankers #bankerCrimes
#coins #paperMoney #bitcoin #physicalMoney #cash #sovereignty #demonetisation #neofeudalism #bailin #bailout #inflation #theft #moneySupply #savings #savers #bankers #bankerCrimes
Now just think, today those who are #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein, #sociopaths, #warCriminals and #frackers are the ones getting tens of billions of newly minted #fiatCurrency from the #bankers everyday.
#centralBanking #whyIBitcoin #GIABO #cantillonEffect #CIA #lostTrillions #savers #warOnSavers #environmentalVandalism
#friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #sociopaths #warcriminals #frackers #fiatCurrency #bankers #centralBanking #whyIBitcoin #GIABO #cantilloneffect #cia #lostTrillions #savers #warOnSavers #environmentalVandalism