SchwarzRund · @SchwarzRund
590 followers · 473 posts · Server

First time morning since month. Meditation was okay, everything else pretty hard. Getting back on my feet to re-enter my . After a long ass infection that fucked up my vitamine levels, burn out symtoms and hard career choices. I realy hope I will be better soon, for myself any everyone around me.

Even ordered some cute femme and butch fashion in COLORS - trying everything here to feel better lol

#savers #phdlife

Last updated 1 year ago

acemaxx · @acemaxxanalytics
125 followers · 895 posts · Server

Over the past 5Qs, 's base rate went from 0.1% to 4%. While policy interest rate rises are quickly passed on to borrowers (as anyone with a mortgage well knows), they are barely transmitted to , chart @FT

#BoE #savers

Last updated 2 years ago

Lou · @elfwink
53 followers · 131 posts · Server

How good is Savers in Preston? 🤷🏻 This good! Haha.

Early 2000s vibes with this hat and top.

#thrift #savers #preston #thrifting

Last updated 2 years ago

Lou · @elfwink
60 followers · 145 posts · Server

How good is Savers in Preston? 🤷🏻 This good! Haha.

Early 2000s vibes with this hat and top.

#thrift #savers #preston #thrifting

Last updated 2 years ago

Lily Rose - Celebrant · @KowethasKernow
38 followers · 70 posts · Server

Every day I try to listen to a secular/ non-theist/ humanistic talk, often from secular faith communities.

Today I'm making use of this collection of thought-provoking talks from Non-Theist Quakers in the UK.

#secular #nontheist #humanist #quakers #humanisticjudaism #humanisticchristianity #rationalpaganism #savers #miraclemorning

Last updated 2 years ago

> "More will be sent to bankers"

Creditors not necessarily bankers.

Also don't forget they still have a moneyPump to bailOut there friends.

Professor has a decent idea to pay down while ensuring regular people and are not disadvantaged but its unknown by us whether he has the ear of govts.

Also we are not fans of propositions — is needed.

We find that monetary policy is really downstream from energy, though – and .

#stevekeen #debt #savers #jobguarantee #degrowth #peakoil

Last updated 2 years ago


There is still one big, blunder that you still have time to rectify.

Help your ditch the failing Frankenstein of , the ugly, suckling . Over generations you've seen the , the financialised , and and wars it has fueled when countries expressed to stand apart from it.

Stop fueling fiat and move towards , a money for .

Dear boomer,

Please, learn and .

#boomer #family #fiat #USDollar #misallocation #growthism #speculativeBubbles #degrowth #deflationary #savers #bitcoin #monero

Last updated 3 years ago

If GNUTaler is built on we're pleased we only namedropped it in a caveat, "some are suggesting Duniter and but we've not researched those."

Fiat is latin for "let it (their and abuse of power) be so".

Someone said above "money is power". Only partly right, control over is , and we've seen during the past two years how manipulate supply for self-gain and to hurt non-hedonist .

@jcast @kgerloff @rysiek @echo_pbreyer

#fiat #taler #corruption #moneySupply #power #kleptocrats #savers

Last updated 3 years ago

The sad part is it almost seemed like they were about to turn over a new leaf last month by accepting donations in sound-money from actual .

Then the in the saw an end to that, of course.

@khm @sl007

#savers #grifters #TwitterSphere #warOnSavers #growthism

Last updated 3 years ago

Is every single in now served by Cloudflare?

Its sure looking that way.

And given that we refuse to use , we thus consider ourselves . Save for *maybe* some .

The (we mean ) is not subtle.

#bank #australia #cloudflare #unbanked #bitcoin #WarOnBitcoiners #savers #neofeudalism #usOccupation #homeToRoost #USOwned

Last updated 3 years ago

Public service announcement:

Bitcoiners are . They are 'savers' in every sense of the word.

Please remember that when you want to bash , propertyDevelopers, rentseekers and landholders, bigProperty, and other cronyists, and corporateFascists destroying our .

is 40-70% renewable electricity. Please think before posting.

That is all.

#savers #consumption #miningCompanies #environment #bitcoin

Last updated 3 years ago

This week made an interesting point about 's system.

Australia has an extreme number of outrageous designed to prop up and at the expense of . Rather than taper markets w lower or raising he posits is used to remove people from the economy.

It may sound conspiratorial, but judging by proposals we see a growing weaponisation of and .

#MaxKeiser #australia #hotelQuarantine #financialProducts #rentseekers #bankers #savers #moneyPrinting #interestrates #building #covid #mentalhealth

Last updated 3 years ago

There is nothing commonsense about being able to destroy savers with , though.

Neoliberalism ideology starts with the premise that are bad and must be financially castrated. That people should not be able to store wealth, that get to create by typing numbers into a computer.

The system is designed to liberate a 1% group. Ask people how should work — that's .

#corporations #moneyPrinting #savers #banks #wealth #banking #commonsense #corporatism #neoliberalism #ruledByTheLeastQualified

Last updated 4 years ago

Mark · @archer72
66 followers · 1418 posts · Server

find this week.

Just had to pry out corroded batteries and clean a terminal with a dremel tool. Now to label all the spices.

#resale #savers

Last updated 4 years ago

Interesting discussion here.

Yes, Abe is a perversion designed to castrate the saver. They believe that saving is not a good act. They don't recognise that are actually needed to restore balance to an economy and to minimise the impact of the (now traditional) boom-bust cycle.

MMT is war on the - and a fresh excuse to give cash to that can "put plebs to work", digging holes and filling them again.



#mmt #savers #workingPeople #oligarchs

Last updated 5 years ago

Do examine closely the ie. Those closest to the money printing scoop up the benefits of it before the inflationary effect (read: price hike) occurs.

This is why we are big supporters of hard-currency like bitcoin. The overlords cannot print money for themselves and thus cannot take private ownership of all assets.

In a future prices will adjust to reflect demand, thus will not be destroyed like we are now.

#cantilloneffect #bitcoin #savers

Last updated 5 years ago

Who should be forced to suffer for reckless and spending?

The people who recklessly spent, or the people who saved?

#consumerism #savers #economy #saving #warOnSavers #moneyPrinterGoBrr #kleptocracy #inflation #moneyPrinting

Last updated 5 years ago