The #Na̱mǥis #FirstNation located in #AlertBay on #BritishColumbia #WestCoast has relied on #salmon as a main #FoodSource for thousands of years.
Salmon are #sacred for #Indigenous people living there, but that #legacy is now #threatened by long-term consequences of #industrial #FishFarms over the last 3 decades.
Namgis are one of several BC native ppls I've worked w/ to #ProtectWildSalmon over many yrs. #WildSalmon are #KeystoneSpecies & are #AtRisk
#namǥis #firstnation #alertbay #britishcolumbia #westcoast #salmon #foodsource #sacred #indigenous #legacy #threatened #industrial #fishfarms #protectwildsalmon #wildsalmon #keystonespecies #atrisk #pnw #savesalmon