Supremes are experts in #ConflictsofInterest…#ClarenceThomas has the weakest explanation possible. It makes me extra #sad, beyond the saddest of all outcomes when #US #women lost bodily #autonomy, that he helps shape laws in this country. #HEARTBREAKING #SaveSCOTUS #RoeVWade #AbortionIsHealthcare
Justice Thomas explains why he didn't report trips paid for by billionaire -
#abortionishealthcare #roevwade #savescotus #heartbreaking #autonomy #women #US #sad #clarencethomas #conflictsofinterest
#BREAKING #NEWS: #ClarenceThomas caught with his hand in cookie jar having accepted luxury gifts from a #GOP mega-donor for more than 20 years. NOW can we have him removed from the Supreme Court? Sanctions would not be enough. #SCOTUS #SaveSCOTUS
#savescotus #SCOTUS #gop #clarencethomas #News #Breaking
SIGN: We already have an accused sexual predator in the White House. We don't need another one on the Supreme Court. via @CREDOMobile #BlockKavanaugh #SaveSCOTUS
Those of us who believe Christine Blasey Ford must have her back now in any way we can. Sign the petition to demand that Sen. Grassley cancel this week's vote on Brett Kavanaugh. via @CREDOMobile #BlockKavanaugh #SaveSCOTUS
Sign the petition: #BrettKavanaugh could undo decades of progress for women's rights #SaveSCOTUS #StopKavanaugh #WeWontGoBack via @CREDOMobile #justice #politics #society #StopDrUMPf #USofA
#brettkavanaugh #society #savescotus #stopkavanaugh #wewontgoback #justice #politics #stopdrumpf #usofa
Too much is at stake for @SenSchumer to fail to lead on blocking #Kavanaugh. Sign the petition: via @CREDOmobile #SaveSCOTUS #justice #politics #StopDrUMPf #USofA
#stopdrumpf #usofa #savescotus #justice #politics #kavanaugh