Rita Portela (parody) · @westernspinster
527 followers · 451 posts · Server zeroes.ca


WATCH this video!! LOLOLOL!!!

A group of urologists have come together to urge everyone to get a COVID-19 vaccine, at least to preserve erections.

The video begins with men fondly recalling their first erections, then presents a sobering statistic: men who've had COVID-19 are up to six times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction.

The figure comes from a study of 100 men in Italy, which found a correlation between the viral illness and penis problems. The estimated risk of ED for men with a history of COVID-19 was actually closer to 5.5 times higher than normal, and it was a relatively small study.


#savethefutureofboners #psa #ed #novembernationalimpotencymonth #urology #urologist #savefutureboners

Last updated 1 year ago