"Return to Freedom is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. As such, we depend on the kind and generous donations of people who care deeply about our nationโ€™s equine heritage so that we may keep our wild horses and burros safe and cared for, as well as continue our invaluable work in protective legislation, conservation, and educational outreach."


#wildhorses #helpthehorses #savethehorses #horse #horses #returntofreedom #ilikehorses

Last updated 2 years ago

"The American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) is a nonprofit organization fighting to ensure the future of America's iconic wild horses and burros and the Western public lands where they roam."


#wildhorses #helpthehorses #savethehorses #horse #horses #awhc #ilikehorses

Last updated 2 years ago

Bradley · @bradley
39 followers · 972 posts · Server social.coop

Animal Evacuation Area at .
"ONLY THE OCEAN WILL STOP THE FIRE: People are bringing their animals to the beach in an effort to save them. " via @TonyPotts1@twitter.com

#zumabeach #woolseyfire #savethehorses

Last updated 6 years ago