If you haven’t had your say about the proposed closures to ticket offices in England and Glasgow Central yet then now is your last chance! The consultation ends today. It’s so important that we don’t lose the assistance we currently have when travelling on railways! #SaveTicketOffices #ProtectDisabledPeople #Disability
London: https://www.londontravelwatch.org.uk/ticket-offices-have-your-say/
Outside London:
#saveticketoffices #protectdisabledpeople #disability
#Großbritannien: Die britischen #Bahnstreiks nach 15 Monaten ungebrochen, am 31. August ergänzt um Großdemo in der Downing Street für #SaveTicketOffices - für und mit Menschen, die Menschen statt Automaten bevorzugen und brauchen... https://www.labournet.de/?p=201214
#saveticketoffices #Bahnstreiks #großbritannien
We must protect our ticket offices to keep our trains safe, secure and accessible to all! Take two minutes to write to your local train company @RMTunion #SaveTicketOffices https://www.rmt.org.uk/campaigns/rail/save-ticket-offices/
#Portsmouth City Council have asked South Western Railway to abandon proposed station changes – due to concerns about the impact on vulnerable passengers. #SaveTicketOffices https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/transport/portsmouth-city-council-urging-south-western-railway-to-abandon-perverse-proposed-station-changes-4245296
#portsmouth #saveticketoffices
My post on why we should #SaveTicketOffices, how the decision to close ticket offices impacts disabled people, and how to participate in the consultation to protest the decision will go live on Sunday 13th August.
Update, 26 July 2023: Consultation on mass closure of railway station ticket offices in England has been extended to 1 September.
The RMT union has a campaign page with links to submit a template email to each of the railway companies.
#saveticketoffices #ticketoffices #railways #ticketofficeclosures
The fact that Turn Up And Go was made out to be this super progressive feature, when that's how it should have been to start with, says a lot about how train services view disabled folks.
Now they want to remove that basic equality.
Tough shit, because I'm turning up and I'm going.
#TurnUpAndGo #TicketOfficeClosures #SaveTicketOffices
#turnupandgo #ticketofficeclosures #saveticketoffices
We must protect our ticket offices to keep our trains safe, secure and accessible to all! Take two minutes to write to your local train company @RMTunion #SaveTicketOffices https://nwmd.io/s/twitter/Zx8-AjDEHP7tRWyhLLc=/r
#Großbritannien: #SaveTicketOffices: RMT und TSSA protestieren gegen die Schließung von 1.000 Fahrkartenschaltern und die Kündigungswelle, die diese Service-Kürzung bezweckt https://www.labournet.de/?p=201214
#saveticketoffices #großbritannien
We must protect the UK's ticket offices to keep our trains safe, secure and accessible to all! Take two minutes to write to your local train company via the links here: https://www.rmt.org.uk/campaigns/rail/save-ticket-offices/ 🚄 #SaveTicketOffices #Petition
Listen up rail company managers, we need to get the comms line right. So, the official position is: 88% of rail ticket buyers didn't buy from ticket offices, so the 12% who were unable to buy tickets that way can go fuck themselves. #SaveTicketOffices