I'm appalled by Montana's decision to ban TikTok! The First Amendment protects free speech, and this law is a blatant attempt to silence creators and restrict the public's access to diverse content. #FreeSpeech #TikTok #SaveTikTok #Montana #FirstAmendment http://www.techmeme.com/230518/p32#a230518p32
#freespeech #tiktok #savetiktok #montana #firstamendment
And Y'All worried about #TikTok?
"Twitter’s policy change is significant, as Twitter can now algorithmically promote state-affiliated media outlets. Twitter users no longer must actively seek out state-sponsored content in order to see it on the platform; it can just be served to them." #SaveTikTok #BanTwitter
State-controlled media experience sudden Twitter gains after unannounced platform policy change - DFRLab
#tiktok #savetiktok #bantwitter
NYT: The latest viral trend on TikTok is defending TikTok. “Now is the time to fight the ban on TikTok,” read a caption of a TikTok video that was posted on Thursday about the app’s future. “#savetiktok #keeptiktok.” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/28/technology/tiktok-users-defend-app.html https://nitter.hongkongers.net/JChengWSJ/status/1641274296525004801#m
In case you missed it. Now the whole galaxy knows just how easy it is to buy a US congressional vote. #MoneyOut #SaveTikTok
And Y'All worried about #TikTok?
"Twitter’s cybersecurity setup was strongly criticised by a whistleblower before Musk completed his takeover. Twitter’s former head of security, Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, who was fired in January 2022, claimed he had uncovered “extreme, egregious deficiencies by Twitter in every area of his mandate”, including weak controls of employee access to user data and interference by foreign governments." #SaveTikTok
Due to @\Meta actions against @\tiktok_us, while I have already deleted my account months ago on @\facebook I have privated my @\instagram and exporting to @\PixelFed soon. If #tiktokban happens to pass I will be on @\YouTube and @\Twitch but IG and FB #sync #SaveTikTok #lobbyist
#tiktokban #sync #savetiktok #lobbyist
“I never thought that my audience would be global, but it is,” Kotzur said, adding that she’s worried a new owner might alter how the app’s content recommendation algorithm works. “I wonder, if it were bought by a U.S. company, if it wouldn’t be so globalized.”#SaveTikTok
Everyone looking to now leave Meta's apps in protest if them looking to ban tik tok.. I am honestly fairly down for this.. Tik Tok is the first platform I have ever been able to break 1k followers on and I am at almost 2500.. Fuck Zuck! #savetiktok
So they want to ban #TikTok for what reasons exactly? We're much more at risk from #Facebook and #Twitter whose invasive privacy policies and targeted content are driven by right-wing political and big business interests. #SaveTikTok #BanMeta
#banmeta #savetiktok #Twitter #facebook #tiktok
So they want to ban #TikTok for what reasons exactly? We're much more at risk from #Facebook and #Twitter whose invasive privacy policies and targeted content are driven by right-wing political and big business interests. #SaveTikTok #BanMeta #LeaveTwitter
#tiktok #facebook #twitter #savetiktok #banmeta #leavetwitter
Hey Young People. You're up! #GenZ #VoteBlue #SaveTikTok #ClimateAction #StudentLoanForgiveness #LGBTQ #BlackLivesMatter #GunControlNow
#GenZ #voteblue #savetiktok #climateaction #Studentloanforgiveness #lgbtq #blacklivesmatter #guncontrolnow
What the hell are Congressional Democrats doing? Don't they understand that the political activism of #GenZ on #TikTok helped them win elections in 2020 and 2022? The fascistic lunatic fringe are allowed to run amok on #Facebook and #Twitter so they had better not vote to ban TikTok or risk forfeiting #Election2024! #SaveTikTok
#GenZ #tiktok #facebook #twitter #election2024 #savetiktok
What the f@ck are Congressional Democrats doing? Don't they understand that the political activism of #GenZ on #TikTok helped them win elections in 2020 and 2022? The fascistic lunatic fringe are allowed to run amok on #Facebook and #Twitter so they had better not vote to ban TikTok or risk forfeiting #Election2024! #SaveTikTok
#savetiktok #election2024 #Twitter #facebook #tiktok #genz
Hey, #Democrats! Republicans got their asses handed to them by #GenZ and #Millenials in #Election2020. Right-wing propagandists (Zuckerberg and Musk) are far more of a privacy threat and would exert greater influence over both foreign and domestic politics. #TikTok #SaveTikTok #VoteBlue
#democrats #GenZ #Millenials #election2020 #tiktok #savetiktok #voteblue
"YouTube leads with Gen Zers at 61%, followed by TikTok (57%), Instagram (51%), Snapchat (43%), Twitter (35%) and Facebook (33%.) Traditional media sources, including local television and major network and cable news networks, are much lower on the list — between 25-22%." #GenZ #Election2022 #SaveTikTok
#GenZ #election2022 #savetiktok
GenZ showed up at the polls last month and showed out revealing political activism of our youth who want leaders to fight for a more humane, tolerant, safe and environmentally responsible world. Now some want to ban #TikTok. Guess who? #GenZ #SaveTikTok