I was in the same room as a billionaire the other day. I don't think I've recovered.
#nobillionaires #endcapitalism #saveus
To quote author @gregggonsalves, quoting Desmond Tutu:
“If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”
These are tough times for everybody. Tougher for those who have less social dominance.
#PublicHealth #Public #SaveYourselves #SaveUs #TheNation #Society
#society #thenation #saveus #saveyourselves #public #publichealth
What a fantastic article about #PublicHealth in #TheNation by @gregggonsalves !
Dr. Gonsalves is trying to help the Public realize that we ALL have differing needs during this pandemic. To save our #Society, we must listen to those who have different social circumstances (like amount of money, number of children and elders, skin color) —try to see and HEAR their needs.
#saveus #saveyourselves #public #society #thenation #publichealth