RT @Lazy_Poodle
@HBO @hbomax Another zombie show and you couldn’t finish Westworld?
#savewestworld #renewwestworld
RT @Timmyjp93
So @HBO cancels Westworld because apparently not enough people were watching. Now they are removing it from @hbomax because too many people are watching 😂 What an absolute joke of a company. @PrimeVideo please #savewestworld from these clowns
#savewestworld please! It was and is such a compelling #show!
#WestWorld S5, I need you! If not @HBO @hbomax - #Dolores will be coming for you. You're a #disappointment.
sign #petition https://savewestworld.com
@AmazonStudios @PrimeVideo @AmazonFreevee @JSalke @ajassy @netflix
RT @psy_aviah
No 2022 and beyond is no #fun. Fuck @HBO @hbomax and their overlords for killing a wonderful show called #Westworld.
#HappyNewYear no, #hbo, …
#savewestworld #show #westworld #dolores #disappointment #petition #fun #happynewyear #hbo
RT @Miss_Series33@twitter.com
@locuta@twitter.com What we can do to #SaveWestworld👇