Excellent lunch at The Basset Arms Portreath today. Proper pub, proper tuck. Talked to staff; it's been very quiet, they're worried. Put on my Thinking Cap. If anyone would like to join me for lunch at the Basset once a month (or just once) please let me know. Thought it could be a nice group chat thing and might help them during the winter months
#saveyourlocalpub #Cornwall #Kernow #pub
#pub #Kernow #Cornwall #saveyourlocalpub
Excellent lunch at The Basset Arms Portreath today. Proper pub, proper tuck. Talked to staff; it's been very quiet, they're worried. Put on my Thinking Cap. If anyone would like to join me for lunch at the Basset once a month (or just once) please let me know. Thought it could be a nice group chat thing and might help them during the winter months
#saveyourlocalpub #Cornwall #Kernow #pub
#pub #Kernow #Cornwall #saveyourlocalpub