Melody Wainscott · @MelodyWainscott
509 followers · 2088 posts · Server


“Eco-nun” is a great new word for my word horde. What a task you’ve undertaken! Thank you 😊

I sincerely appreciate your analysis of human psychology and emotions re climate crisis plus showing the dysfunctional behaviors of corporations like victim blaming. It’s accessible and eye opening.

I’ve decided to listen to you narrate your book “Saving Us”, first.

#ClimateScientist #savingus #bookstodon #wordhoarder #katharinehayhoe

Last updated 1 year ago

KBLeecaster ✅ · @GreenFire
995 followers · 15254 posts · Server

Despite being a threat to human society and ecosystem survival in general at so many potential scales, a 2021 Gallup poll found that only 43% of Americans appreciate that climatic catastrophe in their lifetimes is possible. This study analyzed college biology textbook coverage from 1970 to 2019.

They document the ' successful .

But seriously I hope enough people soon wake up and realize that in order to win our we'll need more people to start taking . I'm trying to also use @kathhayhoe hashtag also as I put @MichaelEMann in but can't figure it out despite how important is since I'd be glad to see these study results discussed and disseminated if they hold up.

Regrettably, I don't have a subscription anymore.

#ClimateChange #fossilfools #warontruth #newclimatewar #ClimateAction #savingus

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Katharine Hayhoe · @kathhayhoe
2239 followers · 32 posts · Server

RT thank you for mentioning our app in your book! We've released a new version and are ready to show it to the public. The following thread contains a brief overview of the personal values-based conversations feature, pls RT.



Last updated 2 years ago

Cedric Knight · @cedric
144 followers · 11 posts · Server

@HelenG @cle @ClimateHuman @kathhayhoe

Hi Helen. Thanks for butting in. I think I agree! It's more than OK to express feelings on the , but to grow the movement and inform people we need to meet them where they are and jointly imagine a carbon-free future. @kathhayhoe's great book also agrees with you on how to talk with what's been called the 'Climate Majority', the concerned but inactive.

Didn't stop me shouting at oil companies yesterday. Or nitpicking a few facts.

#climatecrisis #savingus

Last updated 2 years ago