RT @Berlinnaeus
Now, the abortion laws have changed, I hear. Women in Ireland can save their daughters’ lives. But what about mine?” asked Savita’s mother.
#Savita #SavitaNeverAgain https://twitter.com/TheSouthfirst/status/1586243937231990786
RT @ActionD15
"On the other side of the debate"
The debate is long over. The people voted, the referendum passed. Mullen offers nothing except an extremist view.
#SavitaNeverAgain #SavitaMarch #SavitaHalappanavar https://twitter.com/RuthCoppingerSP/status/1586472392431636480
#savitaneveragain #savitamarch #SavitaHalappanavar
RT @RuthCoppingerSP
Thanks so much @lennyabrahamson for endorsing #SavitaMarch on Oct 29th, organised by @RosaSocFem and a broad range of organisations @NWCI @ailbhes @TheUSI @unitetheunion @ICCLtweet @Belong_To @TENI_Tweets @UCDSU @tcdsu @NCADSU
#Savita10yearson #TheMarchGoesOn #SavitaNeverAgain
#savitamarch #savita10yearson #themarchgoeson #savitaneveragain