ICAO: 4BC845
Flt: PGT721 #PegasusAirlines #AMM-#SAW
First seen: 2023/09/12 04:00:39
Min Alt: 5673 m MSL
Min Dist: 16.1 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: 4BC846
Flt: PGT721 #PegasusAirlines #AMM-#SAW
First seen: 2023/09/08 04:28:46
Min Alt: 4447 m MSL
Min Dist: 16.09 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
https://www.minenest.com/61712/ Minecraft but You Can Split Anything… #BeatingMinecraft #BeatingMinecraftBut #MCBut #MineCraft #Minecraft #MinecraftBut #MinecraftButChallenge #MinecraftButMod #MinecraftButYouCan #MinecraftButYouCanCraft #MinecraftButYouCanSplitAnything #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftCraft #MinecraftOp #MinecraftSplit #MinecraftSplitAnything #MinecraftSplitInHalf #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftVideos #nestorio #saw #split #SplitXnestorio #Sword #xnestorio
#beatingminecraft #beatingminecraftbut #mcbut #minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftbutchallenge #minecraftbutmod #minecraftbutyoucan #minecraftbutyoucancraft #minecraftbutyoucansplitanything #minecraftchallenge #minecraftcraft #minecraftop #minecraftsplit #minecraftsplitanything #minecraftsplitinhalf #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #nestorio #saw #split #splitxnestorio #sword #xnestorio
Flt: PGT721 #PegasusAirlines #AMM-#SAW
First seen: 2023/09/06 03:49:40
Min Alt: 4234 m MSL
Min Dist: 19.25 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Gizmodo: Saw X is Scaled Back, Has More Jigsaw Than Ever, Says Kevin Greutert https://gizmodo.com/saw-x-jigsaw-return-kevin-greutert-1850800113?utm_source=regular #entertainmentculture #lionsgatefilms #kevingreutert #amandayoung #johnkramer #tobinbell #jigsaw #kramer #spiral #sawvi #sawx #saw
#entertainmentculture #lionsgatefilms #kevingreutert #amandayoung #johnkramer #tobinbell #jigsaw #kramer #spiral #sawvi #sawx #saw
UltraBasic v2 Synthesizer Plugin by SampleScience
#AU #chorus #clean #delay #distortion #filter #highpass #info #LFO #lowpass #MacOS #Multi #polyphonic #reverb #Rompler #SampleScience #Saw #Simple #synthesis #Synthesizer #Voice #VSTI #VSTI3 #Waveforms #Windows
#au #chorus #clean #delay #distortion #Filter #highpass #info #lfo #lowpass #macOS #multi #polyphonic #reverb #rompler #samplescience #saw #simple #synthesis #synthesizer #voice #vsti #vsti3 #waveforms #windows
That's how you make a poster. No useless stuff.
#saw #horror #horrorfam #horrorfamily #horrorcommunity
ICAO: 4BB868
Flt: PGT721 #PegasusAirlines #AMM-#SAW
First seen: 2023/09/01 04:33:59
Min Alt: 4028 m MSL
Min Dist: 14.07 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: 4BC883
Flt: PGT721 #PegasusAirlines #AMM-#SAW
First seen: 2023/08/25 04:38:17
Min Alt: 4173 m MSL
Min Dist: 25.53 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
The mitre saw was already here. Some time ago I bolted it on this massive old sewing machine table, to free up the carpenters workbench it was previously bolted to. Turned out to be perfect, very sturdy and dust goes down through the hole instead of piling up (that black collection bag is tiny and pretty useless).
I clamped a piece of sandpaper to one side of it, which works as a poor man's bandsaw. A quick pull over each side removes any rough edges from a cut.
ICAO: 4B8533
Flt: PGT721 #PegasusAirlines #AMM-#SAW
First seen: 2023/08/22 04:37:12
Min Alt: 4272 m MSL
Min Dist: 15.92 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Modular Synth VCO Synthesizer Plugin by SampleScience[Windows,MacOS,VSTI,VSTI3,AU,x64]
#2023 #ADSR #Analog #AU #chorus #Collection #delay #Digital #distortion #filter #highpass #info #Keys #LFO #LoFi #lowpass #MacOS #Modular #Multi #Pads #polyphonic #reverb #Rompler #SampleScience #Saw #Synthesizer #Voice #VSTI #VSTI3 #Waveforms #Windows #x64
#adsr #analog #au #chorus #collection #delay #digital #distortion #Filter #highpass #info #keys #lfo #lofi #lowpass #macOS #modular #multi #pads #polyphonic #reverb #rompler #samplescience #saw #synthesizer #voice #vsti #vsti3 #waveforms #windows #x64
ICAO: 4BC884
Flt: PGT721 #PegasusAirlines #AMM-#SAW
First seen: 2023/08/20 05:47:31
Min Alt: 4394 m MSL
Min Dist: 16.1 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Kotaku: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Game Isn’t Scary, Unfortunately https://kotaku.com/the-texas-chainsaw-massacre-game-review-crossplay-ps5-1850752842 #gaming #tech #kotaku #thetexaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsawmassacre #lionsgatefilms #leatherface #mariaflores #donnyosmond #weskeltner #grandpa #leland #saw
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #thetexaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsawmassacre #lionsgatefilms #leatherface #mariaflores #DonnyOsmond #weskeltner #grandpa #leland #saw
ICAO: 4BC886
Flt: PGT721 #PegasusAirlines #AMM-#SAW
First seen: 2023/08/18 04:26:45
Min Alt: 4043 m MSL
Min Dist: 16.04 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: 4B8E04
Flt: PGT721 #PegasusAirlines #AMM-#SAW
First seen: 2023/08/16 04:17:46
Min Alt: 4310 m MSL
Min Dist: 14.4 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Flt: PGT721 #PegasusAirlines #AMM-#SAW
First seen: 2023/08/15 04:56:00
Min Alt: 4340 m MSL
Min Dist: 20.14 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
No entiendo tanto lío por unas tetas afueras. Por mi como si van todas, el día entero, mostrándolas al mundo.
¿Se han sexualizado las tetas? Por supuesto. Ha sido siempre una de las partes del cuerpo femenino que ha causado placer, erotismo, morbo, deseo, como quieran llamarle a una gran parte de su contraparte masculina, por lo menos en Occidente. ¿Nos impusieron ese impulso? Ni idea, posiblemente.
#saw ero al final del día sentirse atraído por una mujer no es suficiente con solo verla desnuda, con tetas o todo al aire. Normalmente así no creo que funciona. Hay que tener una mente muy enferma para que te excite una madre amamantando, por ejemplo. Y es una mujer con la teta afuera.
¿Andar con las tetas al aire va a cambiar todo esto? Pues quién sabe, a lo mejor se vuelve algo tan cotidiano, como en las tribus en Africa, que si, surte efecto.
¿Para ustedes es un símbolo de libertad? Pues sean libres. Para mi es simplemente una mujer con las tetas al aire. Y ya está. A seguir viviendo.