"People who would not believe a High Priest if he said the sky was blue, and was able to produce signed affidavits to this effect from his white-haired old mother and three Vestal virgins, would trust just about anything whispered darkly behind their hand by a complete stranger in the pub."
#TerryPratchett #Maskerade #SayHisName
Of course that was published in 1995. These days he would probably have added "... or on social media".
#terrypratchett #maskerade #sayhisname
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson as detailed on Wikipeda.
#thedeathandlifeofmarthapjohnson #marthapjohnson #marthajohnson #documentary #transgender #lgbt #sayhername #saytheirname #sayhisname #mmiw #mmiwg #mmiwg2s #pride #equality
Life Story: Marsha P. Johnson (1945-1992)
Transgender Activist
The story of a transgender activist who participated in the Stonewall Uprising and fought for equal rights.
Content Warning: This resource addresses physical and sexual violence.
#WomenAndTheAmerican Story
Please take responsibility for your own well-being when reading this content.
#womenandtheamerican #emmarothberg #marthapjohnson #marthajohnson #transgender #lgbt #sayhername #saytheirname #sayhisname #sa
Marsha P. Johnson
By Emma Rothberg, Ph.D. | Associate Educator, Digital Learning and Innovation
#marthapjohnson #marthajohnson #emmarothgerg #transgender #lgbt #sayhername #saytheirname #sayhisname
I'm watching "The Death and Life of Martha P. Johnson." I'm only part way through and already my heart has broken many times. There is so much more work to be done.
#marthapjohnson #documentary #transgender #lgbt #sayhername #saytheirname #sayhisname #mmiw #mmiwg #mmiwg2s #pride #equality #netflix #marthajohnson
His full name is Naël Merzouk, son of Mounia Merzouk
Spent Thursday evening laughing and crying (twice) at the wisdom of Terry Pratchett and the power of stories.
Catch this brilliant show by Marc Burrows soon! https://www.marcburrows.co.uk/live-dates
#AskMeAboutTerryPratchett #GNUTerryPratchett #LilacDay #SayHisName
#sayhisname #lilacday #gnuterrypratchett #askmeaboutterrypratchett
Spent Thursday evening laughing and crying (twice) at the wisdom of Terry Pratchett and the power of stories.
Catch this brilliant show by Marc Burrows soon! https://www.marcburrows.co.uk/live-dates
#AskMeAboutTerryPratchett #GNUTerryPratchett #LilacDay #SayHisName
#sayhisname #lilacday #gnuterrypratchett #askmeaboutterrypratchett
The Patrician is always right
#Discworld #Jingo #pratchett #sayhisname
#discworld #jingo #pratchett #sayhisname
Note: This was inside of Central State Hospital, a state-run mental health facility south of Richmond Please keep this in mind as people go onto #SocialMedia to post Irvo was fighting this was NOT THE STREETS OR A POLICE 👮🏿♂️ STATION THIS WAS A #mentalhealth #Facility #PoliceBrutality #America #USA #Kenya #Kenyan #police #news #SayHisName #Murder #Race #BlackAmerica
#socialmedia #mentalhealth #facility #policebrutality #america #usa #Kenya #kenyan #police #news #sayhisname #murder #race #blackamerica
We hope, as always, that those who choose to vote do so keeping in mind the #consistentLifeEthic and prioritize ending all forms of aggressive violence, especially forms that have been tragically legalized and normalized, such as police violence.
We hope for Kevin Johnson that he rests in peace and rests in power, and that and gets the justice he deserves. His life mattered.
#sayhisname #BlackLivesMatter #consistentLifeEthic
#Polizeigewalt in #Memphis – #Sanitäter leisteten #TyreNichols fast 20 Minuten lang keine Hilfe – #BLM #sayhisname
#polizeigewalt #memphis #sanitater #tyrenichols #blm #sayhisname
#Polizeigewalt in #Memphis – #Sanitäter leisteten #TyreNichols fast 20 Minuten lang keine Hilfe – #BLM #sayhisname
Nachdem Tyre Nichols in Memphis von Polizisten zusammengeschlagen wurde, kamen Rettungskräfte. Einem Untersuchungsbericht zufolge könnte deren Verhalten für den Tod des 29-Jährigen mitverantwortlich sein. Zwei Sanitäter, die gerufen wurden, um Tyre Nichols zu versorgen, kümmerten sich 19 Minuten lang nicht um Nichols, der sich vor Schmerzen am Boden krümmte.
#polizeigewalt #memphis #sanitater #tyrenichols #blm #sayhisname
"Ohio man dies after being shot by police as he was cleaning out late grandmother's apartment."
#InMemoriam #JoeFrasure #SayHisName
#AbolishthePolice #AbolishCops #UglyCops
#KillerCops #MurderousCops #EvilCops
#evilcops #murderouscops #killercops #uglycops #abolishcops #abolishthepolice #sayhisname #joefrasure #inmemoriam
"Initial Police Report on Tyre Nichols Arrest Is Contradicted by Videos."
#TyreNicholsMurder #SayHisName #TyreNichols
#JusticeforTyreNichols #JusticeforTyre #BLM
#AbolishthePolice #DefundthePolice #UglyCops
#CriminalCops #MurderousCops #EvilCops
#CopsLie #PoliceLie #CopsSuck #CopsStink
#copsstink #copssuck #policelie #copslie #evilcops #murderouscops #criminalcops #uglycops #DefundThePolice #abolishthepolice #BLM #justicefortyre #justicefortyrenichols #tyrenichols #sayhisname #tyrenicholsmurder
SO GLAD Rehumanize could make the protest tonight demanding police acountability and community control and to gather in honor of #TyreNichols! Such a good crowd, in spite of the freezing cold, from such a broad coalition of organizations.
#BlackLivesMatter #Chicago #policeBrutality #sayHisName #sayTheirNames
#SayTheirNames #sayhisname #policebrutality #Chicago #BlackLivesMatter #tyrenichols
SO GLAD Rehumanize could make the protest tonight demanding police acountability and community control and to gather in honor of #TyreNichols! Such a good crowd, in spite of the freezing cold, from such a broad coalition of organizations.
#BlackLivesMatter #Chicago #policeBrutality #sayHisName #sayTheirNames
#SayTheirNames #sayhisname #policebrutality #Chicago #BlackLivesMatter #tyrenichols