@clhendricksbc Take a peek at the #LiDA101 course feed: https://course.oeru.org/lida101/interactions/course-feed/ It syndicates mentions from different sources including Mastodon. In this prototype we have posts from #sayloracademy Discourse forum site harvested in the feed. See also the #OERu technology wheel: https://course.oeru.org/support/studying-courses/course-feed/ to get a sense of the open tech we're pulling together. Federated learner communities are imminently doable.
Learning on the open web is amazing. We're making history with #LiDA101. Incredible to see learners at #sayloracademy interacting with #oeru learners across different technologies. Posts from the #Saylor discussion forum are integrated into the live course feed from their forum site. And the #OERu course feed is embedded on the Saylor site. With #opensource we can support multiple learning communities world wide. π
#lida101 #sayloracademy #oeru #saylor #opensource