@amoebahugs I don't NEED to be high to wonder if I'm a bad person! #saynotodrugs #iregretalotofthings
#saynotodrugs #iregretalotofthings
#Friday #ItsFriday #WhoChilling #FineFemmeFriday #AlmostTheWeekend #WeekendAlmostHere #Chilling #FuckWork #INeedADamnBeer #Beer #Beer2 #Beer3 #Coffee #Coffee2 #Coffee3 #Weed #Marijuana #Grass #Pot #Reefer #Kush #FourTwenty #FourTwentyBlazeIt #SmokeWeedEveryDay #OrJustSmokeItSometimes #IWontPeerPressureYou #YouDontHaveTo #SayNoToDrugs #OrSayYesToDrugs #YourCall #LifeChoices #PeerPressure #DoIt #Nerd #Hashtag #Posting #Post #Toot #Tooting #CreativeToots #TimelineRealEstate #Spam #PoopooPeepee #A
#friday #itsfriday #WhoChilling #finefemmefriday #AlmostTheWeekend #WeekendAlmostHere #chilling #fuckwork #INeedADamnBeer #beer #Beer2 #Beer3 #coffee #coffee2 #Coffee3 #weed #marijuana #grass #pot #reefer #kush #fourtwenty #FourTwentyBlazeIt #smokeweedeveryday #OrJustSmokeItSometimes #IWontPeerPressureYou #YouDontHaveTo #saynotodrugs #OrSayYesToDrugs #YourCall #lifechoices #peerpressure #doit #nerd #hashtag #posting #post #toot #tooting #creativetoots #TimelineRealEstate #spam #poopoopeepee #a
Flutter is like heroin. Once you've tried it you use it and want more and more of it and it gives you joy.
But Flutter doesn't kill you.
Use Flutter not heroin!
#flutter #softwaredevelopment #dart #SayNoToDrugs #ui #webdev #mobiledev #androiddev #iosdev
#flutter #softwaredevelopment #dart #saynotodrugs #ui #webdev #mobiledev #androiddev #iosdev
All I have to do is transfer a few more favorites from YT to Odysee, double-check my senders and I'll be ready to click the button! #bigtech #saynotodrugs
Jugement de la Loi Drogues de …1921 (BE)
La « loi drogues » belge a été promulguée le 24/02/.. 1921.
Est-elle encore efficace? Est-elle toujours juste? Aujourd’hui, elle est plus contestée que jamais et sera symboliquement mise en procès
Venez assister, mardi 12 octobre 2021 à 19h30 au Marni à Bruxelles, au Jugement de la «loi drogues»
Captation en direct par et sur Bx1 : https://bx1.be/lives/direct-tv/
#unhappybirthday #loi1921 #drogue #antiprohibition #saynotodrugs
#unhappybirthday #loi1921 #drogue #antiprohibition #saynotodrugs
RT @Thottu_@twitter.com
ഇത് വരെ ലഹരി ഒന്നും ഉപയോഗിച്ചിട്ടില്ലാത്തവർക്ക് ആർട്ടിയടിക്കാനുള്ള ട്വീറ്റ്
RT @Thottu_@twitter.com
ഇത് വരെ ലഹരി ഒന്നും ഉപയോഗിച്ചിട്ടില്ലാത്തവർക്ക് ആർട്ടിയടിക്കാനുള്ള ട്വീറ്റ്
RT @xstefanou@twitter.com
Επίσης το #DefundThePolice δημιουργεί ανέργους στην αστυνομία, το #StopTheWar χτυπά την πολεμική βιομηχανία και το #SayNoToDrugs είναι πληγή για τους ναρκέμπορους. Το δε #WeAreNotAmused στέλνει στο δρόμο τους stand-up comedians που δεν λένε αστεία. https://twitter.com/silaserafim/status/1370124898241187841
#DefundThePolice #stopthewar #saynotodrugs #WeAreNotAmused
Dear north india, its 29KG and faces of accused covered.
RT @shashanksaiIPS
Someone out there expecting a 29kg ganja delivery? your order stands canceled😜
The #Mylaporepolice takes fully responsibility for your inconvenience and your inconvenience is not regretted. Bigger network busted !!
A special mention to @copmahesh1994