ARCH ENEMY's ALISSA WHITE-GLUZ Becomes Trapped Mermaid In PETA Ad To Save Fish During Lent
Ensnared in a fishing net and swishing a mermaid tail that matches her signature sea-blue hair, ARCH ENEMY vocalist Alissa White-Gluz is putting herself in the place of aquatic animals in a new PETA ad...
#BeFishFriendly #SayNoToFishForLent #ProtectTheOceans #HelpMarineLife #SaveFish #PETAAd #AlissaWhiteGluz #ArchEnemy #ReduceFishing
#themetaldogarticlelist #blaermouth #befishfriendly #saynotofishforlent #protecttheoceans #helpmarinelife #savefish #petaad #AlissaWhiteGluz #archenemy #reducefishing