Shtetl News: Scott Aaronson posted on the #Texas #SB18 , #SB17, #SB16 debacles a few days back. He mentions the figurative nuking of the *1st class University system* Texans took so much time & effort to build. It's not the hot take but well reasoned-as usual.The pattern of #RedStates nuking themselves is intensifying as stupidity & incompetence simply do what they do best. Brain drain tends to work from ground zero out. #BlueStates should woo the cream, reject the dross
#texas #sb18 #sb17 #sb16 #redstates #bluestates
Governor Spencer Cox...bigot, liar, and governor with blood on his hands. The #Utleg ,(Stuart Adams and Brad Wilson are the leaders there), are just as responsible for the deaths that will follow because of #SB16. #utpol
@benwinslow #SB16 will lead to deaths....and #SB15 will lead no worse educational outcomes and more discrimination
Any conversation about #SB16 inevitably becomes a conversations about morality. Legislating religion is unconstitutional. Legislating morality is dangerous. Every posts about #SB16 attracts a counter argument about morality. For me, there's no correlation. To find one, one must assume religion and morality are synonymous. In that case, a moral person must be a religious person and a religious person must conform to social norms that are 'perceived to be' biblically defined. #utpol #utleg
BREAKING: Utah's new anti-trans law, #SB16, will face a legal challenge from and Tonight, at
“Rarely has so much fear and anger been directed at so few,” Utah Gov. Spencer Cox said about transgender kids in 2022.
On Saturday, he signed a bill into law that targets trans kids.
Tonight, Law Dork, on #SB16 and a coming lawsuit:
BREAKING: Utah's new anti-trans law, #SB16, will face a legal challenge from NCLR and the ACLU of Utah. Tonight, at Law Dork:
I'm so disappointed in you angry, sad and disappointed.
Legislative Update 1/28/2023 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈- Today Gov Cox signed SB 16. What is clear is a legal challenge is inevitable. #utpol #utleg #equalityutah #unconstitutional #sb16 #lgbtq #parentalrights
#utpol #utleg #equalityutah #unconstitutional #sb16 #LGBTQ #parentalrights
I am not happy. Today Conservative Think Tanks won their decades old fight to defund public education.
It’s a bad day for Utah families and tax payers. It’s a great day for the minority of families with children in private schools. #classism #racism #caste #HB215 #HB132 #SB16 #utpol #utleg
#classism #racism #caste #hb215 #hb132 #sb16 #utpol #utleg