#sb253 would require large corporations to publicly disclose their GHG footprint, and will be voted on in California's state Assembly next week. Last time, we lost by 1 vote. Major corporations like Apple, Microsoft, Salesforce, and Levi's have endorsed the bill, but corporations are still using every lie to try to kill the bill. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240SB253
"The bills would force big companies that do business in California to report all of their emissions and require firms that buy or sell carbon offsets to disclose more information in an effort to crack down on bogus #climate claims." #SB253 #AB1305 https://capitalandmain.com/oil-and-gas-lobbying-threatens-californias-game-changing-climate-bills
What's happening with #SB252, #SB253, #SB261: "Climate bills on fossil fuel divestment, emissions disclosure make headway" | Sacramento Bee https://archive.is/QNdVB
#CaliforniaLegislature #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #ClimateFinance
#sb252 #sb253 #sb261 #californialegislature #climatechange #climateaction #climatefinance