#OTD in 1938: A jury finds Charles #Sberna and Salvatore #Gati guilty of the first-degree #murder of #NYPD Officer John Wilson. The jury makes no recommendation for mercy, ensuring the two men will be sentenced to die.
During the trial, Gati admitted his involvement in the robbery that resulted in the killing of Wilson but insisted Sberna was not present.
#otd #sberna #gati #murder #nypd #capitalpunishment #crimehistory #histodons
#OTD in 1920: Federal investigators hunting alleged #anarchist #terrorist Giuseppe #Sberna learn that his reported home address on Second Avenue in #NYC does not exist. #Histodons
#otd #anarchist #terrorist #sberna #nyc #histodons
#OTD in 1939: Charles #Sberna and Salvatore Gati were executed at Sing Sing Prison for the 1937 killing of Patrolman John Wilson, though many believed Sberna was innocent of the crime. (Authorities may have prejudged Sberna, who was the son of a wanted #anarchist terrorist and the son-in-law of an infamous #Mafia boss.) #CapitalPunishment #CopKillers #CrimeHistory #Histodons
#otd #sberna #anarchist #mafia #capitalpunishment #copkillers #crimehistory #histodons